Plastics are a major source of global marine pollution. Large pieces can entangle marine animals, while tiny pieces – broken down by the action of water and the sun – cause harm by entering the marine food chain. Furthermore, once plastic particles reach the marine environment, wind and global ocean currents spread them around the world. As a result, plastics are dispersed across all oceans, and can be found in remote locations such as the Arctic, Southern Ocean and deep oceans.

Ocean plastic pollution is an alarming issue due to its persistence, complexity, steady growth and the pervasive impacts it has on all aspects of ecosystems. Here at the Grantham Institute, we study the sources, impact and solutions to plastic in the ocean, drawing on our world-renowned expertise in engineering, physics and chemistry.


Prince Albert delivering the Grantham Institute Annual Lecture

Prince Albert: ‘Blue economy’ must be a priority

His Serene Highness Prince Albert II of Monaco highlighted the challenges and opportunities for preserving the ocean at the 2018 Grantham Annual Lecture. "To protect the ocean we need not just words and regulations but the goodwill and energies of all, pooling together all resources at our disposal," he said. Read more and watch a recording of the lecture

Plastic Adrift interface

Data visualisation: Plastic Adrift

Our oceans make up 70 per cent of the Earth's surface and are in constant motion. Driven by the sun and the wind our oceans develop mighty currents and eddies, some of which can take centuries to loop through all of our planet's ocean basins. So where does plastic end up years after entering the ocean? Drop some virtual plastic into the ocean to watch its journey

Dr Erik van Sebille explains the global plastic pollution problem, and what we can do to solve it.

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