Grantham Institute Outlook 2019-20
Topics: General
Type: Institute reviews
Publication date: 2019
The Grantham Institute sits at the heart of Imperial's work on climate change and the environment. We contribute to, and lead on, world-class research, training and innovation towards effective UK and international action on climate change and the environment.
Our annual magazine, Outlook 2019-20, showcases how the Grantham Institute is tackling the challenges of climate and environmental change. Inside, you will be able to read about our first public campaign, in which Imperial experts offer advice to the general public – including school strikers – about how individuals can help address climate change.
We are also pleased to present The Future We See, a bold new programme we have embarked on with the Grantham Research Institute at the London School of Economics (LSE), to provide evidence-based information on a range of questions related to the net-zero agenda, packaged up for businesses, policymakers in different sectors, international stakeholders and citizens.
In addition, you can read more about the work of the Grantham Institute’s innovation team, who have helped 55 cleantech start-ups to secure over $200m of early-stage investment – their first foothold on the ladder to success. Now, we want to go one step further. Find out more inside!
Download now: Grantham Institute Outlook 2019-20 [PDF]