Energy Efficiency Innovation Lab
Topics: Mitigation
Type: Collaborative publications
Publication date: December 2017
Author: Dr Evangelos Gazis
Residential, commercial and industrial buildings account for 30-40% of global energy consumption and 25-35% of total carbon dioxide emissions. Despite evidence that saving a unit of energy is on average five times cheaper than buying it, investment in energy efficiency improvements in buildings remains low. Building stock remains largely inefficient, while 75-85% of existing buildings are expected to be still in use in 2050 . In order to achieve the targets of the Paris Agreement, effective policy interventions will need to ensure not only that all new buildings are energy efficient, but also that the rate of renovations increases considerably.
This policy briefing outlines some of the key learnings from the Energy Efficiency Innovation Lab, as well as recommendations for state and regional governments seeking to enhance energy efficiency in the built environment as part of their clean energy transitions.
Innovation Labs are the second phase of The Climate Group’s Energy Transition Platform, a project that connects 11 highly industrialized, carbon-intensive states and regions seeking to transition to a clean energy future. The Energy Transition Platform enables these governments to share experiences and successful initiatives, and helps them overcome barriers and adopt innovative clean energy policies. Innovation Labs accelerate this work by facilitating workshops, group calls and best practice case studies. The Grantham Institute – Climate Change and the Environment is the knowledge partner for the Innovation Labs, providing research tailored to each government.
Download: Energy Efficiency Innovation Lab