Carbon dioxide storage - Grantham Briefing Paper 4
Topics: Mitigation
Type: Briefing paper
Publication date: December 2010
Author: Professor Martin Blunt
Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) refers to the set of technologies developed to capture carbon dioxide (CO2) gas from the exhausts of power stations and from other industrial sources, the infrastructure for handling and transporting CO2 and those for injection and storage in deep geological formations. All the individual elements operate today in the oil and gas and chemical processing sectors. However, their integration for CO2 capture from power plants and heavy emitting industry is a challenge and the storage of huge quantities of CO2 underground raises new issues of liability and risk. The focus of this Briefing Paper is on the storage of carbon deep underground; a companion Briefing Paper addresses the capture element of CCS, discussing the set of technologies developed to capture carbon dioxide (CO2) gas from the exhausts of power stations and from other industrial sources.
- Introduction
- The need for carbon capture and storage
- Carbon storage in geological formations
- Current storage projects
- Storage mechanisms
- Pressure response
- Injection design
- Transport
- Policy and international context
- Discussion and conclusions
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