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Paying for UK Net Zero: principles for a cost-effective and fair transition

Topics: Economics and Finance
Type: Briefing paper
Publication date: March 2021

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A guide to building climate-financial scenarios for financial institutions

Topics: Economics and Finance
Type: Briefing paper
Publication date: January 2021

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The economic case for the United States to remain in the Paris Agreement on climate change

Topics: Economics and Finance
Type: Collaborative publications
Publication date: August 2020

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A net-zero emissions economic recovery from COVID-19

Topics: Economics and Finance, Energy and Low-Carbon Futures, Health
Type: Collaborative publications
Publication date: April 2020

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Paying for net-zero – The fiscal framework for the UK’s transition to low-carbon energy

Topics: Mitigation, Economics and Finance
Type: Briefing paper
Publication date: April 2020

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Response to Imperial's call for evidence on a Socially Responsible Investment Policy

Topics: Economics and Finance
Type: Evidence & submission papers
Publication date: January 2020

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Integrating green and blue spaces into our cities: Making it happen

Topics: Impacts and adaptation, Health, Resources and Pollution, Energy and Low-Carbon Futures
Type: Briefing paper
Publication date: July 2019

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9 things you can do about climate change

Topics: Energy and Low-Carbon Futures, Mitigation, Health
Type: Infographic
Publication date: June 2019

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Greenhouse gas removal technologies: A focus on the commercial opportunity

Topics: Mitigation, Energy and Low-Carbon Futures
Type: Discussion papers
Publication date: February 2019

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Bridging the gap: improving the economic and policy framework for carbon capture and storage in the European Union

Topics: Mitigation
Type: Collaborative publications
Publication date: June 2015