Community Renewables Innovation Lab
Topics: Mitigation
Type: Collaborative publications
Publication date: December 2017
Author: Dr Richard Hanna
Community renewables are installations of renewable electricity such as solar panels or wind turbines, which are owned by, or have significant benefits for, residents and local organizations. Such schemes not only help regional governments meet their carbon reduction targets, but they also engage citizens in the wider clean energy transition. This policy briefing outlines key learnings from the Community Renewables Innovation Lab, as well as recommendations for governments on including community renewables schemes as part of their clean energy transition.
Innovation Labs are the second phase of The Climate Group’s Energy Transition Platform, a project that connects 11 highly industrialized, carbon-intensive states and regions seeking to transition to a clean energy future. The Energy Transition Platform enables these governments to share experiences and successful initiatives, and helps them overcome barriers and adopt innovative clean energy policies. Innovation Labs accelerate this work by facilitating workshops, group calls and best practice case studies. The Grantham Institute – Climate Change and the Environment is the knowledge partner for the Innovation Labs, providing research tailored to each government.
Download: Community Renewables Innovation Lab