Lectures and seminars

Annual lectures

Annual lectures



The ever-growing climate movement: Creating & shaping climate change narratives through culture, creativity & innovation

November 2022

Brian Eno, a musician, producer, visual artist and activist who, as a co-founder of EarthPercent, is reforming the music industry’s action towards climate change, delivers the Grantham Annual Lecture 2022. This will be followed by a panel discussion with other artists and creators of culture, who will discuss how culture can shape collective mobilisation, individual behaviour change and action in tackling climate change in our modern world.

Download the Grantham Annual Lecture 2022 brochure: Grantham Annual Lecture 2022 e-brochure (PDF)


Engaging UK BAME communities in climate change action

June 2019

Judy Ling Wong CBE, Honorary President of the Black Environment Network, Founding Trustee of the National Park City Foundation, painter, poet and environmentalist, delivered the Grantham Annual Lecture 2019. 


Climate change: a threat to the oceans. The Ocean: a chance for the climate

February 2018

His Serene Highness Prince Albert II of Monaco delivered the Grantham Annual Lecture 2018. Read our roundup and watch the recording


The climate crisis and its solutions

December 2017

Al Gore, former Vice President of the United States, delivered the Grantham Annual Lecture 2017. Read our roundup and watch the introduction


Transforming growth: climate policy today for a sustainable tomorrow

 April 2016

Ms Christiana Figueres, Executive Secretary of the UN  Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), delivered the Grantham Annual Lecture 2016. Watch now


Climate justice - Why is it relevant in 2015?

April 2015

Our 2015 Annual Lecture was delivered by Mary Robinson, President of the Mary Robinson Foundation - Climate Justice and former Irish president. Watch now


Project Sunlight: Creating the right climate for growth  

The 2014 Annual Lecture was given by Paul Polman, CEO of Unilever and Chairman of the World Business Council for Sustainable Development

Recorded: April 2014

Anthropocene: The closing doors of climate targets 

The 2013 Annual Lecture was given by Professor Thomas Stocker, University of Bern, Switzerland and Co-chair of IPCC WGI. The slides from this talk are also available ‌. 

Recorded: November 2013

Coping with climate change: Issues in science, policy, and technology

The 2012 Annual Lecture was given by Dr John P. Holdren, Assistant to the President for Science and Technology, Director of the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy. The slides from this talk are also available Grantham Lecture 2011 [pdf].

Recorded: December 2012

Living with limits: growth, resources and climate change 

The 2011 Annual Lecture, given by Martin Wolf, Associate Editor and Chief Economics Commentator at the Financial Times, London. The slides from Martin's talk are also available to download.

Recorded: November 2011

Energy,Climate, Action: what next in a world of denial (slides only)

The 2010 Annual Lecture was given by Professor Chris Rapley, then Director of the Science Museum.

Recorded: June 2010

Shifting rainfall patterns: lessons from the past

The 2009 Annual Lecture was given by Professor Wally Broecker, Columbia University.

Recorded: June 2009

Special lectures

Special Lectures and events


Pedalling the Poles: an Antarctic exploration 

January 2018

Keith Tuffley, Polar explorer and environmental entrepreneur, talks about his journey to the South Pole in a special lecture, that formed part of the Grantham Institute’s 10th Anniversary celebrations. Watch now


World Energy Outlook 2015

February 2016

Kamel Ben Naceur of the International Energy Agency (IEA), presents the latest edition of the IEA's World Energy Outlook. Watch now


What did COP21 in Paris really deliver, and what do we need to do about it now?

February 2016

A Grantham Institute panel discussion exploring what the COP21 outcomes mean for the finance, business, government and NGO sectors. Watch now


Why are we waiting?

October 2015

Lord Nicholas Stern argues that a committed and strong low-carbon transition could trigger a wave of technological investment and transformation. 

Divestment: what are the options?


A panel discussion examining the role of fossil fuel divestments as a tool for combatting climate change.
Recorded: October 2015

Global solutions for global challenges

An event exploring the global challenges created by climate and environmental change
Recorded: September 2015

How is Antarctica changing and why should we care?

The inaugural lecture of Prof Martin Siegert, Co-Director of the Grantham Institute.
Recorded: February 2015

World Energy Outlook 2014

A lecture by Dr Fatih Birol, Chief Economist at the International Energy Agency (IEA).
Recorded: February 2015

Communicating risk and uncertainty to the public and policy makers

A lecture by Professor Sir David Spiegelhalter, Winton Professor for the Public Understanding of Risk.
Recorded: January 2015

The Road to Paris 2015

A joint event hosted by the French Embassy in London and the Grantham Institute, in partnership with the European Commission.
Recorded: November 2014

Healthy Oceans in the twenty first century

A joint event hosted by the Grand Challenges in Ecosystems and the Environment Initiative and the Grantham Institute
Recorded: July 2014

World Energy Outlook 2013 

A Special Lecture given by Dr Fatih Birol, Chief Economist of the International Energy Agency
Slides from the lecture
Recorded: January 2014

All of the Above in a Carbon Constrained World

A Grantham Institute special lecture by Dr Ernest Moniz, United States Secretary of Energy
Recorded: January 2014

The energy of nations: Risk blindness and the road to renaissance 

A Grantham Institute and EFL special lecture by Jeremy Leggett, founder of Solarcentury
Recorded: December 2013

Climate change and global food security

A Grantham Institute special lecture by Professor Martin Parry, Grantham Institute and Centre for Environmental Policy, Imperial College London
Recorded: October 2013

In the balance: can we halve global CO2 by 2050? 

An evening lecture and discussion to launch an EFL and Grantham study on the technologies and costs of halving global CO2 emissions by 2050. 
Speakers: Sir Brian Hoskins, Dr Halldor Thorgeirsson, Professor Nilay Shah and Lord Stern. 
Recorded: September 2013

State of ignorance: climate change and the biosphere

A public lecture by Professor Colin Prentice to mark the launch of his AXA Chair position in Biosphere and Climate Impacts
Recorded: June 2013


World Energy Outlook 2012 - mapping the new global energy landscape

A Special Lecture given by Dr Fatih Birol, Chief Economist of the International Energy Agency
Recorded: February 2013

Understanding uncertainty in climate models: Robustness of the atmospheric response to climate change 

A Grantham Special Lecture by Professor Ted Shepherd, Grantham Chair in Climate Science at the University of Reading
Recorded: October 2012


Critical transitions in nature and society

A Grantham Special Lecture by Professor Marten Scheffer, Center for Water and Climate Wageningen University, the Netherlands
Recorded: March 2012


New insights into China's energy future

A Grantham Special Lecture by Dr Yang Yufeng of the Energy Research Institute (ERI) of China's NDRC, and Ajay Gambhir of the Grantham Institute
Recorded: March 2012


Attitudes in America to investing, resource limitations and global warming

Special Lecture by Jeremy Grantham, co-founder and Chief Strategist of GMO, LLC and founder of the Grantham Institutes at Imperial and LSE
Recorded: March 2012

The God Species

A Grantham Special Lecture given by Mark Lynas, author of 'The God Species: How the Planet Can Survive the Age of Humans', 'High Tide: News from a warming world', and 'Six Degrees: Our future on a hotter planet'
Recorded: February 2012

Energy trends and climate challenges – is our climate path already locked-in?

A Special Lecture given by Dr Fatih Birol, Chief Economist of the International Energy Agency
Recorded: January 2012

Adapting institutions to climate change

A Grantham Special Lecture given by Sir John Lawton, former Chairman of the Royal Commission on Environmental Pollution.
Recorded: October 2011

Carbon capture and storage: our only hope to avoid global warming?

Two lectures to mark the launch of the Institute's Briefing Papers on "Carbon Capture and Storage" and "Carbon capture technology: future fossil fuel use and mitigating climate change" and given by their respective authors.
Recorded: June 2011


"Do changes in the Sun affect the Earth’s climate?"

A lecture marking the launch of the Institute's 5th Briefing Paper and given by the author, Professor Joanna Haigh, Head of the Department of Physics at Imperial College London.
Recorded: March 2011


"A glimpse into the energy future"

A Special Lecture given by Dr Fatih Birol, Chief Economist at the International Energy Agency.
Recorded: January 2011

Seminars & workshops


For videos of our latest seminars, please visit our YouTube channel. Our seminars are also available on Panopto.



External Events