
View our COP27 delegation and media contacts

In a year of accelerating climate extremes and energy security crises, international collaboration to drive forward climate action has never been more essential – especially as the world is still far off track to reduce emissions in line with the Paris Agreement.

The 27th United Nations Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP27), hosted in Sharm El-Sheikh in Egypt in November 2022, saw countries come together to agree progress on the Paris Agreement through action on climate finance; implementing emissions reductions pledges; and enabling adaptation to the harms caused by climate change, in particular for those countries and communities that are most vulnerable.

Our Imperial academic community mobilised collective expertise to provide evidence for ambitious action at COP27. Read their reflections on the outcome of the conference here.

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An African woman carrying a water canister on her head and a child on her back, walking along a dusty road with a van coming towards her

COP27 side event

The Role of Early Warning, Anticipatory Action & Effective Communication for Resilience Building

14 November, 15:00 EET (13:00 GMT), in person at COP27, and live streamed

The Grantham Institute co-hosts an event that will explore what early warning, anticipatory actions and effective communication for resilience and adaptation looks like in Eastern Africa, and how decision makers at various levels, including communities, can be engaged in the production of climate services and disaster risk management. Find out more about the event.

Graphic showing futuristic city with icons showing a person in a hard hat, a heart, a pound sign and a smiley face

UK Pavilion side event

Co-benefits and trade-offs of climate action: uncovering new incentives for early climate action

10 November, 15:00 EET (13:00 GMT), in person at the UK Pavilion, COP27, and live-streamed

The Met Office hosts a discussion at the UK Pavilion about the co-benefits of climate action, covering the trade-offs of different mitigation and adaptation interventions in the context of current societal challenges. Speakers include the Grantham Institute's Director of Policy and Translation Alyssa Gilbert. Dr Neil Jennings and Dr Richard Carmichael will share pre-recorded talks. The event will be live-streamed on the UK Government YouTube channel.

4 panellists on stage at an event at COP26

UK Universities Climate Network

The UK Universities Climate Network (UUCN) is a growing group over 80 UK-based universities and research centres working together to deliver a low carbon, resilient world. Co-ordinated by the Grantham Institute, the network enables collaboration across the UK academic sector to advance climate action nationally and internationally. Find out more about the UUCN activities and members.

Explore our work

Imperial voices on climate and environment

Dr Gbemi Oluleye, Imperial College Research Fellow

Dr Gbemi Oluleye, Imperial College Research Fellow, discusses her research on cutting greenhouse gas emissions from industrial sectors.

Dr Gbemi Oluleye

Dr Gbemi Oluleye, Imperial College Research Fellow

Dr Gbemi Oluleye discusses cutting emissions from industrial sectors.

Dr Gbemi Oluleye, Imperial College Research Fellow, discusses her research on cutting greenhouse gas emissions from industrial sectors.

Dr Joeri Rogelj

Dr Joeri Rogelj, Director of Research at Grantham Institute

Dr Joeri Rogelj discusses how his research helps to inform international climate targets.

Dr Joeri Rogelj, Director of Research at the Grantham Institute, discusses how his research helps to inform international climate targets to limit global warming to 1.5°C.

Dr Bonnie Waring

Dr Bonnie Waring, Senior Lecturer at the Grantham Institute

Dr Bonnie Waring discusses the carbon cycle and how far forests can help tackle climate change.

Dr Bonnie Waring, Senior Lecturer at the Grantham Institute, discusses her research on the carbon cycle and how far nature-based solutions like tree planting can be effective in helping to tackle climate change.

Dr Billy Wu

Dr Billy Wu, Senior Lecturer at Imperial

Dr Billy Wu discusses his research on electric cars and batteries.

Dr Billy Wu, Senior Lecturer at Imperial College London, discusses his research on electric cars and batteries, and how developments in this field can help to cut carbon emissions from transport.

Dr Madeleine Morris

Dr Madeleine Morris, Research Associate at the Grantham Inst

Dr Madeleine Morris discusses her research on the policy and regulation of the energy system.

Dr Madeleine Morris, Research Associate at the Grantham Institute, discusses her research on whether the policies, regulations and market structures of today's energy system are fit for purpose for a future energy system that fits into a net-zero world.

Naveed Chaudhry

Naveed Chaudhry, Accelerator Lead at the Grantham Institute

Naveed Chaudhry on the role of entrepreneurs and startups in tackling climate change.

Naveed Chaudhry, Accelerator Lead at the Grantham Institute, discusses the role of entrepreneurs and startups in tackling climate change, and how innovation can help create a cleaner, greener future.

Dr Mirabelle Muûls

Dr Mirabelle Muûls, Assistant Professor of Economics

Dr Mirabelle Muûls discusses her research on the economics of climate change.

Dr Mirabelle Muûls, Assistant Professor of Economics at Imperial College Business School, discusses her research on the economics of climate change and the impact of climate change on businesses.

Dr Ana Mijic

Dr Ana Mijic, Senior Lecturer in Water Systems Analysis

Dr Ana Mijic discusses the water cycle, sustainable development and nature-based solutions.

Dr Ana Mijic, Senior Lecturer in Water Systems Analysis and Co-Director of the Centre for Systems Engineering and Innovation, discusses her research on the water cycle, sustainable development and nature-based solutions.

Dr Oytun Babacan

Dr Oytun Babacan, Imperial College Research Fellow

Dr Oytun Babacan on low-carbon technologies and how to integrate them into existing infrastrure.

Dr Oytun Babacan, Imperial College Research Fellow at the Grantham Institute, discusses his research on low-carbon energy technologies and how to integrate emerging technologies into existing infrastructure.