Gaining experience through internships

Internships provide students with a unique perspective, allowing them to experience a different working environment and helping them to forge important links for their future.

SSCP DTP students have the opportunity to apply for internships during their PhD, usually when they are in their second year. This could be with our partners in the private, NGO, or policy making sectors.

If you would like to host one of our students at your organisation, please contact Anne Houston.

Former Internships include:-

Archelon; Assimila; Boston Consulting Group; Broadway Initiative; Carbon Infinity; Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy; Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs; Desolenator; DigitalViews; Eco Health Alliance; Ernst & Young; Google; Government Office for Science; IEA; Little Place Lab; Modo Energy; National Informatics Institute, Tokyo; Natural England; Octofin; Oxford Uni/Martin Brasier Collection; Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology (POST); Policy Connect; Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew; Science Media Centre; Square Mile Coffee Roasters; Stanford University; UK Committee on Climate Change; UNFCCC; UN Geneva; Urgentem; World Meteorological Organization; Zoologial Society London

Parliamentary Office for Science & Technology

 "The SSCP DTP allowed me to take part in a 3-month fellowship programme at the Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology (POST). This fellowship involved working under a supervisor at POST to research an entirely different scientific topic from my PhD work, and writing a report to communicate that topic to parliamentarians. In my case this meant researching marine carbon sequestration. This work not only allowed me to learn about what was for me a relatively new scientific topic, but also allowed me to learn about a very different way of performing research, where expert testimony and reports from organisations are used just as much as peer-reviewed publications. This was also a great opportunity to learn about communicating science to policy-makers: an important process that is easy to forget about when one’s head is buried in papers and research projects. I would recommend this opportunity to anyone who is considering future work at the science-policy interface."

Euan Furness, SSCP DTP Cohort 6

Square Mile

“The opportunity to work on a project with Square Mile Coffee through the SSCP DTP allowed me to gain real insight into the industry’s perspective on environmental sustainability issues. Working in a small and dynamic company setting, I developed invaluable communication and analytical skills whilst learning about all things coffee related – from farming and roasting to brewing! My experience sparked a new interest in specialty coffee, on both personal and research levels, and contextualised my own food sustainability PhD research. ”
Elysia Lucas, SSCP DTP Cohort5

Broadway Initiative

Broadway Initiative

“My placement with the Broadway Initiative and the Home Builders Federation gave me a fascinating insight to current climate and environmental policy, particularly relating to new homes and the built environment more broadly. I had responsibility for leading the research on a project to develop a roadmap for the new homes sector to meet key environmental and climate targets, and in doing so greatly enhanced my project management and collaboration skills. I was fortunate enough to interact with stakeholders in many relevant areas, and made many great connections in the process.”
Chris Wells, Cohort 4

"Completing a 3-month UKRI internship with the Government Office for Science was a hugely positive experience for me. Led by Sir Patrick Vallance, the small office has a goal to increase the use of scientific evidence in government policy and decision making. In this central and well-connected office, I was able to witness first-hand the research and support that scientists were providing politicians for the Covid-19 pandemic, COP-26 preparations and post-Brexit economic strategies. During my time, I was given the responsibility to setup professional registration and chartership support for over 10,000 government scientists and engineers. This required me to engage with 9 external professional bodies, such as the Institute of Civil Engineers and Royal Society of Biology, to negotiate annual programmes of support through webinars, workshops, mentoring and application support. This work culminated in a board presentation of my work, including requests for funding and approval to implement the scheme, to Sir Patrick Vallance and all of the Government Chief Scientific Advisors. Taking control of stakeholder engagement and contributing positively to a professional workplace has built my interview and presentation skills, as well as my confidence. I now feel enriched by these skills and experiences as I return to my PhD."
Will Veness, Cohort 7