Communications information
Our primary mode of direct communication with students will be through email. Any emails will be sent to student's Imperial email addresses, rather than a personal email account.
It is extremely important that students access their emails on a regular basis as this will be the SSCP DTP's main line of communication during throughout a student's Phd.
Google Drive
The SSCP DTP Google Drive is where students are able to view SSCP DTP related information, useful forms and templates.
Students will receive a weekly SSCP DTP Newsletter each Thursday with details of events, additional training workshops, internships and funding opportunities. For any updates and contributions to the newsletter, Christiane can be emailed - items submitted before Wednesday at 12pm can be included.
All SSCP DTP activity will be sent to by an Outlook invitation. For all SSCP DTP training and events, students are also required to register via Inkpath unless notified otherwise. Inkpath will be the primary attendance tracker.
Social Media
News and information will also be available through our Twitter feed and the Cohort’s respective Facebook pages. A brief description of how we will use each is below for information. The Grantham Institute also has a LinkedIn page.
Publicising the great work you do to interested parties, as well as live tweeting from events. Follow us, but also let us know your twitter handle so that we can follow you. Note please stay engaged with us and email Christiane Morgan if you would like us to share any news via twitter. |
Each cohort has a dedicated closed Facebook group established as an informal discussion forum. Please email Christiane Morgan to be sent an invite to your cohort’s group. | ||
Each Cohort also has their own WhatsApp group. If you would like to be added please contact Christiane. |
Branding and acknowledgement
As a member of the DTP cohort, you are expected to follow the Institute’s official branding guidelines. Templates are supplied on the Google Drive and should be used for all presentations, posters and written material relating to your PhD project. This includes any departmental presentations and posters you are expected to produce during your PhD. We would love to see the materials you produce, which should be sent to the SSCP DTP Doctoral Training Coordinator to ensure we have a record of your activities. This will also help us with reporting to NERC on our programme and individual student activities.
Please note that all publications should acknowledge the DTP in your address as follows:
1) Person1; 1 Science and Solutions for a Changing Planet DTP, and the Department of [Civil Engineering], Imperial College London.
2) You will also need to acknowledge your funding as follows:
This work was supported by [ENTER YOUR PRIMARY FUNDER HERE, e.g. the Natural Environment Research Council; and the [ENTER YOUR SECONDARY FUNDER HERE etc].
- Funding Example for Cohort 1-5: This work was supported by the Natural Environment Research Council [grant number NE/L002515/1]
- Funding Example for Cohort 6 and up: This work was supported by the Natural Environment Research Council [NE/S007415/1 ]
- Funding Example for NPIF: This work was supported by the Natural Environment Research Council [NE/R011613/1]
Please note Research Council (e.g. NERC, RCUK) funded students are eligible to have papers published in open access. To do so, please include the grant reference on the form when applying via Symplectic.
For any other NERC funding, please contact Anne Houston.