PhD studentships
Grantham Institute studentships offer Affiliates the opportunity to progress new or developing research interests, drawing in stakeholders and academic collaborators to address global challenge projects that would be difficult to progress through other means.
The Institute will provide funding for up to three Grantham PhD studentships per year, each of length 3.5 years to fit with the Science and Solutions for a Changing Planet DTP (SSCP-DTP). Funding is available for bursaries, home or EU fees, and up to £5,000 for consumables and conferences. Funding will be aligned with the Institute’s strategic priorities and may include focused calls for projects in key research areas. Wherever possible, co-funding will be sought to increase studentship numbers further.
PhD areas will ordinarily be considered each September.
Case study
A six-month scoping study on resilient cities and supply chain risk management was recently completed, co-funded by Grantham Institute pump-priming and Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) funding. During this study, Affiliates, CSIRO collaborators and external stakeholders provided input on priority research focus, expertise and interests in this area. The study identified several potential collaboration opportunities and selected one for a joint studentship with CSIRO, to be supervised by the Affiliates who helped shape the research idea.
Project descriptions and candidate criteria will be requested in line with the SSCP-DTP procedures.
How to apply
Applicants are encouraged to discuss their ideas with the Institute prior to submitting a proposal, which will be reviewed by a panel convened by the Institute.
Proposals will be considered each September.