Imperial's work in policy and engagement throughout Africa.
Dr Thomas Lissau
Child Health
Dr Tom Lissauer has established a programme to improve child health in Rwanda. He introduced paediatric life support courses (ETAT+) for undergraduates and hospital health professionals and is undertaking research into its impact.
He runs a programme in 4 major hospitals to improve the care of newborn infants including the introduction of basic respiratory support (with bubble CPAP, Continuous Positive Airway Pressure.
Dr Lesong Conteh
Health Systems
Dr Conteh is a health economist in the School of Public Health. Her research interests include: coordinating multi-country economic evaluations to identify the costs, cost-effectiveness and equity implications of introducing interventions via different delivery strategies; understanding the market for community health workers, and; investigating consumer and provider interpretations of quality in the delivery of health care.
She is currently involved in 3 main areas of research:
- Multi-country economic evaluations in West Africa exploring the delivery of interventions via community health workers.
- Understanding if and how notions of perceived quality have changed over the last decade in The Gambia amid changes to malaria treatment. Furthermore, if consumer and provider notions of good quality malaria treatment have not only changed over time but if they have changed in similar ways.
- Exploring how providers attempt to signal the quality of their services to consumers. This project aims to investigate if and how providers respond to any shifting perceptions of quality among consumers and specifically, do providers identify a need to change how they promote the quality of their malaria treatment as good?
She collaborates with a number of African, European and American academic institutions and International Development partners.
Professor Salman Rawaf
WHO Collaborating Centres for Public Health Education and Training
The World Health Organisation Collaborating Centre for Public Health Educat ion and Training was designated in June 2007. Supported by the British Government, the Collaborating Centre sits within the Department of Primary Care & Public Health (School of Public Health) at Imperial College London. The Centre is based at Charing Cross Hospital in West London.
The Centre, based at Charing Cross Hospital in West London, is currently involved in much public health training and educational activities in the UK and internationally in all six WHO Regions. The Centre provides technical support to strengthen countries health systems through system reviews, human resource for health development and capacity building. T he WHO Collaborating Centre expert team has extensive links worldwide and is engaged in wide range of activities to achieve its mission.
Their mission is simple. They support the work of the World Health Organisation and its founding objective, namely: the attainment by all peoples of the highest possible level of health.
Other engagements
Other projects
1. MRC Gambia
The College works closely with the MRC Gambia and has staff based there. As a result of this, papers produced with researchers in Gambia have the highest number of citations per document for any collaborating country around the world
2. Schistosomiasis Control Initiative (SCI)
Schistosomiasis Control Initiative (SCI) is a charitable institution based at the College that works in sub-Saharan Africa to eliminate the life-threatening effects of Schistosomiasis (bilharzia) and intestinal worms (hookworm, whipworm and roundworm). Since 2010 SCI has worked in countries such as Burundi, Ethiopia, Malawi, Mozambique, Niger, Rwanda, Senegal, Tanzania, Uganda and Zambia.
3. Work with University of Cape Town
In South Africa, the College works closely with the University of Cape Town (UCT). In January 2015, the College and UCT collaborated on a Global Health Summer School for Doctoral students. There are also close links between the Department of Medicine and the Institute of Infectious Disease and Molecular Medicine at UCT.
4. KEMRI-Wellcome Trust Research Programme
The Wellcome Centre for Tropical Medicine collaborates with a number of African partners including at the KEMRI-Wellcome Trust Research Programme in Kenya and UCT in South Africa.
eHealth in Malawi
eHealth in Malawi
Dr John O'Donoghue is a Senior Lecturer in eHealth at Imperial College London and Deputy Director of its Global eHealth Unit. He supports the Malawi eHealth Research Centre and details about his work there can be found here: Malawi eHealth Research Centre .