Executors and solicitors
If you are adminstering an estate that includes a gift to Imperial, we can help. This page provides answers to frequently asked questions and information for executors.
Contact details for executors
If you have any questions relating to a gift left to Imperial in a will we would be grateful if you could contact us with any correspondence via email at a.wall@imperial.ac.uk or by calling +44 (0)202 7594 3801.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Someone I know has left a gift to Imperial in their will, now what?
If you are administering an estate that includes a gift to Imperial, please let us know. You can contact the Legacy Giving Team on +44 (0)20 7594 6159 or email giving@imperial.ac.uk.
Alternatively, write to us at Legacy Giving Team, Imperial College London, SALC Mezzanine, Level 5 Sherfield Building, South Kensington Campus, London SW7 2AZ.
Q. What is the College's legal name?
The College’s legal name is ‘The Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine’. The words ‘Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine’, ‘Imperial College London’ and ‘Imperial College’ are registered trade-marks. The College’s preferred brand identity is ‘Imperial College London’.
Q. Does Imperial College London have charitable status?
Imperial College London has charitable status for all UK tax purposes (HMRC number X2361) in accordance with Charities Act 2011. HMRC number X2361 can be used in place of a registered charity number.
Q. Do you have any recommended wording for including a gift in a will?
Your solicitor may use the following wording as a guideline for including Imperial in a will: “I give, to the Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine of Exhibition Road, South Kensington, London SW7 2AZ, [insert a fixed amount] or [insert specified percentage/all of my residuary estate] to be applied to the [insert general purposes/preferred area] of the said College and I declare that the receipt of the Director of Finance or other duly authorised officer of the College shall be good and sufficient discharge to my Executors.”