Sylvia Watson studied Physics at Imperial, graduating in 1973, and was one of very few women on her course. When thinking about making her will, Sylvia wanted to ensure that she could make an impact and encourage more women in science.

"Making a legacy gift to Imperial is one of the best decisions I have ever made. When I had to make my will, I agonised, particularly as I had no children.

I wanted to leave a worthwhile legacy that would survive long after I was gone. But which of today’s good causes would still be around?

I have always advocated for science and education and I admired the millennials, but what to do?

Then I opened the letter from Imperial about their legacy appeal, and I knew exactly what to do. I can be confident that my gift will help Imperial students and, through them, benefit science and future generations.”


In coversation with Sylvia and Souro

In conversation with Sylvia and Souro

In conversation with Sylvia Watson, Physics 1973 and Souro Chowdhury, Postgraduate researcher in Chemical Biology.