Richard Coley studied Natural Sciences at Wye College, which is now part of Imperial College, graduating in 1959.

We spoke to Richard about his decision to leave a gift in his Will.

What motivated you to leave a legacy gift to the College?

My own degree course was fully funded by my county and the state, and leaving a legacy is one way of showing my gratitude for this.

In addition, present-day students are the seed-corn of the future, and should be supported.

What do you hope your gift will accomplish?

I hope it will help a student to attend the course of their choice with fewer financial worries.

Do you have a fond memory of your time as a student that you could share?

I have fond memories of the happy social atmosphere at Wye College, and of the interesting subjects we had to study.

Although a degree course in agriculture may seem to be rather prosaic, many of the subjects have proved to be very useful in later life generally. I include economics, genetics and geology in the list.