Our staff and students share their learnings from the pandemic, hopes for the future and how the kindness of donors has made all the difference.

Thank you for your support over the last 2 years

Our staff and students share their learnings from the pandemic, hopes for the future and how the kindness of donors has made all the difference.

 Student portrait

"Attending Imperial was the best thing I could do for my career, giving me a first-class education and global networks. I was stretched beyond my limits and it's thanks to financial support from people like you that I didn't break. Thanks to your generosity, I now consult for companies in Europe and Sub-Saharan Africa on issues close to my heart, like pollution, inclusion and sustainable investments. I hope to pay your generosity forward someday!”

Tolulope (Environmental Engineering & Business Management MSc 2020)

Student portrait

"For me, the prestige of Imperial and the generous funding for low-income students made it a no-brainer. The President's Scholarship gave me financial security and the opportunity to follow my passions. Your support made me feel recognised and valued at Imperial. Thank you."

Louis (Physics, 3rd Year)

Student portrait

"Thank you so much for your generous support to the College, especially during these difficult times. I am extremely grateful for your financial support, which I have witnessed improving the lives of many Imperial students, like myself."

Amanda (Mechanical Engineering, 3rd Year)

Student portrait

"My parents are farmers in a small village in China, so receiving a scholarship at Imperial was one of the most important moments in my life so far. My family and I are so very grateful for your support. I will always keep your kindness in my mind as an example to me.”

Yingwu (Aeronutics, 3rd Year)