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Where could your degree take you?
All the engineering departments set very high aims for our undergraduate and postgraduate teaching. Our goal is to shape your professional future as engineers, to nurture your creativity and to help you excel in your chosen field.
Our degrees will also put you on the right career path in sectors such as manufacturing, engineering consultancies, research and development or investment banking. An impressive proportion of graduates also go on to further education.
Find out more about how a degree from each of our engineering departments could help your career.
There is a high demand for Aeronautics graduates not only within the aeronautical industry but also across a broad range of employment types, including but not limited to automotive, environmental and biomedical disciplines, engineering consultancy, and even financial analysis.
This reflects the wide recognition that the subject provides a rigorous traiAeronautical Engineering tables 2020ning in the application of mathematics and scientific methods, coupled with the intellectual challenge of design to meet stringent specifications in an energy-conscious world.
What do aeronautical engineering graduates do?
- Undergraduate outcomes - Aeronautics [PDF]
- Taught postgraduate degree outcomes - Aeronautics [PDF]
- Postgraduate research degree outcomes - Aeronautics [PDF]
Bioengineering graduates will be well-equipped for employment in the growing industrial sector devoted to healthcare, hospitals and clinics, research institutes and government or other organisations concerned with the design and regulation of medical materials and equipment.
What do bioengineering graduates do?
- Undergraduate degree outcomes - Bioengineering [PDF]
- Taught postgraduate degree outcomes - Bioengineering [PDF]
- Postgraduate research degree outcomes - Bioengineering [PDF]
Chemical engineering
Major recruiters of chemical engineers include the process and manufacturing industries related to pharmaceuticals, petroleum and petrochemicals, healthcare, design and consultancy, specialty chemicals, biotechnology, advanced materials, polymers, business services, food processing and environmental issues, among others.
The broad scope of career choices stems for the fundamental nature of chemical engineering studies, which include a profound knowledge of mathematics and general physical, chemical and biological sciences used in an integrated way to overcome technical problems and challenges safely and economically.
What do chemical engineering graduates do?
- Undergraduate degree outcomes - Chemical engineering [PDF]
- Taught postgraduate degree outcomes - Chemical engineering [PDF]
- Postgraduate research degree outcomes - Chemical engineering [PDF]
Civil engineering
Many of Imperial's civil engineering graduates go on to work on high-profile national and international engineering projects, which have recently included China's Three Gorges Dam, London's Wembley stadium and the Antarctic research station.
What do civil engineering graduates do?
- Undergraduate degree outcomes - Civil engineering [PDF]
- Taught postgraduate degree outcomes - Civil engineering [PDF]
- Postgraduate research degree outcomes - Civil engineering [PDF]
Computers are among the most significant and exciting technological innovations of the last hundred years. In the future, they will continue to shrink in size, become embedded in our domestic appliances and tools, clothes and perhaps our own bodies. They will undoubtedly play an even more considerable role in medicine, the sciences, industry, communications and the arts.
Although it is impossible to predict exactly how computers will develop and be used, it is safe to say that the science of computing will remain a vitally important part of modern civilisation, being responsible for many of the most important changes to the world in which we live. The Department of Computing at Imperial has close working relationships with major graduate employers such as Microsoft, IBM, HP and BT.
What do computing graduates do?
- Undergraduate degree outcomes - Computing [PDF]
- Taught postgraduate degree outcomes - Computing [PDF]
- Postgraduate research degree outcomes - Computing [PDF]
Design engineering
A degree in design engineering focuses on the design of advanced products, services, experiences and systems across the breadth of engineering and design.
Our graduates develop a range of fundamental design and engineering skills, with a particular emphasis on creativity, computer-aided engineering tools, optimisation, human factors, design process, and the enterprise skills and industrial experience necessary to launch brand new products to market.
What do design engineering graduates do?
- Undergraduate degree outcomes - Design engineering [PDF]
- No postgraduate taught data
- Postgraduate research degree outcomes - Design engineering [PDF]
Earth science and engineering
The most obvious career choices are in the exploration and production departments of oil and mining companies, or environmental and civil engineering companies. Our earth science graduates have started their careers as field engineers or geologists working for companies such as Schlumberger, URS Corporation or Sir Robert McAlpine.
What do earth science graduates do?
- Undergraduate degree outcomes - Earth science and engineering [PDF]
- Taught postgraduate degree outcomes - Earth science and engineering [PDF]
- Postgraduate research degree outcomes - Earth science and engineering [PDF]
Electrical engineering
The decisions and actions of engineers have a far-reaching impact on society and the world we live in. Opportunities for electrical and electronic engineering graduates exist across many sectors: computer systems and information technology, medical electronics, consumer electronics, avionics, robotics, mobile communication networks, power generation, defence and security, transport, design consultancy, management consultancy and finance.
Our graduates command some of the highest graduate starting salaries and are always in demand for summer work, internships and graduate positions with companies ranging from large multinationals to one-person start-ups.
What do electrical engineering graduates do?
- Undergraduate degree outcomes - Electrical and electronic engineering [PDF]
- Taught postgraduate degree outcomes - Electrical and electronic engineering [PDF]
- Postgraduate research degree outcomes - Electrical and electronic engineering [PDF]
Most graduates opt for careers in industry or in research establishments associated with one or more of the main subject areas.
These include metals and alloys, ceramics, glasses, polymers, composites and electrical materials. The financial sector is also a popular destination in companies such as PricewaterhouseCoopers.
What do materials graduates do?
- Undergraduate degree outcomes - Materials science and engineering [PDF]
- Taught postgraduate degree outcomes - Materials science and engineering [PDF]
- Postgraduate research degree outcomes - Materials science and engineering [PDF]
Mechanical engineering
Many graduates complete their initial industrial training and then take up positions in research and development, design, production or plant management. As engineers, graduates find placements in companies such as Royal Air Force, Alstom, Ricardo Group, Railtrack, Royal Navy or in the automotive industry in companies such as Ford Motor Company.
What do mechanical engineering graduates do?