Meet the team
Meet the team
Dr Andrew Wright
Personal details
Dr Andrew Wright Head of Research Strategy and DevelopmentSend email+44 (0)20 7594 1281
Faculty Building, Level 2
South Kensington Campus
London SW7 2AZResponsibilities
Andrew is responsible for supporting the Faculty in the development of its research strategy and provides support to academic staff, departments and centres in the development and funding of their research activities, working with the Faculty Research Committee and Faculty Vice-Dean for Research.
Dr Alex Berry
Faculty Building, Level 2
South Kensington Campus
London SW7 2AZAffiliations
Alex is responsible for providing advice and guidance to staff on research funding, coordinating the Faculty processes for schemes such as ICRF, and supporting the development of the Faculty’s research strategy.
Yangna Li
Faculty Building, Level 2
South Kensington Campus
London SW7 2AZResponsibilities
Yangna is responsible for preparing the Faculty's submission to the Research Excellence Framework (REF), acting as the main source of specialist advice for academic departments on
REF policies and procedures, and ensuring that the Faculty's research strengths and capabilities are optimally reflected in the submission.