Samantha Patterson
Samantha Patterson has applied her learning from Imperial to design and manufacture medical products and currently project manages as a group leader at Cambridge Consultants.
What did you learn during your time at Imperial, in class and out?
"I learnt the technical skills that I now use in my day-to-day job. I also learnt about time management - how to prioritise and conduct self-directed learning.
I enjoyed the stress analysis courses the most and the innovation and management side of things."
What is your fondest memory of your time at Imperial?
"The friends I made there. I actually still work with one of them and see the others regularly."
What jobs have you done since graduation?
"I have worked for Cambridge Consultants since graduation. We design and develop medical products on behalf of our clients. Initially I was doing technical work - coming up with the ideas for the new products, designing and manufacturing them. Now I’m a group leader running the instrumentation technology group at the company. As I run the group I also recruit and mentor engineers."
What have been your career highlights?
"Two inhalers that I designed are on the market worldwide. Seeing those products actually being put to use, being given to patients in India and Germany has been very rewarding."
What are your plans for the future?
"I’ve got no plans to move at the moment, I hope to be leading bigger and more complex programmes at Cambridge Consultants in the future with a view to becoming a director of the company at some point."
What would be your advice for current students?
"I think to choose the areas that interest them. There’s no point in slogging away at something you’re not interested in; you will succeed much more if you find something you’re naturally interested in. That’s what will make you fly."
What’s the most difficult decision you’ve ever had to make?
"Probably what course I was going to do at university."
What are you most proud of in your life?
"My successful career and my family – the fact that I’ve managed to achieve both and managed them in a good way."
Do you have a favourite quote or saying?
"It’s a bit of a cheesy one but ‘if you shoot for the moon and miss you’ll still be one of the stars’."