Exchange and visiting students
The Department currently accepts exchange students from our partner universities in the Erasmus programme (Telecom Paristech, INP Grenoble, Ecole Polytechnique, RWTH Aachen, Tor Vergata Rome, KTH Stockholm, KU Leuven, TU Delft), the Swiss-European Mobility programme (ETH Zurich) and also from National University of Singapore and the University of California.
Students usually select their modules from those offered to the 3rd and 4th year students; although students from Singapore may select 2nd year modules. Exchange students can come for one term, or an academic year. If you come for one term, you will need to return in May-June to take exams.
You should discuss your interest in the exchange with your home university co-ordinator. You must have been selected and nominated to Imperial College before you submit an application to us.
Master's level students can come to spend time with us working on their project.
You are advised to familiarise yourself with the department's areas of research and possibly contact a potential supervisor to informally discuss research topics before submitting your application. Keep in mind that formal admissions decisions can only be made after the application has been processed by the College Registry and the Department.
- Study period of 6 months-1 year: If you are a non-EEA student who needs a student visa to study in the UK you will be required to apply for ATAS clearance before applying for a Tier 4 (General) student visa. You will need to meet the College's higher level English language requirement.
The Department has exchange programmes specifically for master projects with TH Lund, the University of Padova and the University of Cyprus. The focus of all these exchange links is Control Systems.
PhD level students can come to study with us for a maximum period of one calendar year.
You are advised to familiarise yourself with the department's areas of research and possibly contact a potential supervisor before making a formal application to informally discuss research topics and the content of your research statement before submitting your application. Keep in mind that formal admissions decisions can only be made after the application has been processed by the College Registry and the Department.
The Department has an exchange programme specifically for PhD level students with the University of Cyprus. The focus of this exchange links is Control Systems.
- 0-6 months: If you are a non-EEA student you will be required to apply for ATAS clearance
- Study period of 6 months-1 year: If you are a non-EEA student who needs a student visa to study in the UK you will be required to apply for ATAS clearance before applying for a Tier 4 (General) student visa. You will need to meet the College's higher level English language requirement.
Bench fees
Visiting students who are not part of an exchange programme (e.g., Horizon ITN) are expected to pay tuition fees at £4,000 a year pro rata, e.g. visit duration 3 months and 3 days, (4/12)*4,000=£1,333.33. There will be no fee if the visit duration is for less than three months. Tuition fees do not cover consumables incurred during the visit. This should be normally covered by the visiting student's institution.