L Ladipo, M J Blunt and P R King, “Crossflow effects on low salinity displacement in stratified heterogeneity,” Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 208,109565 (2022).
K Singh, T Bultreys, A Q. Raeini, M Shams and M J Blunt, “New type of pore-snap-off and displacement correlations in imbibition,” Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 609, 384–392 (2022).
Y Zhang, Q Lin, A Q Raeini, Y Onaka, H Iwama, K Takabayashi, M J Blunt and B Bijeljic, “Pore-scale imaging of asphaltene deposition with permeability reduction and wettability alteration,” Fuel, 315, 123202 (2022).
M Ramezanpour, M Siavashi, A Q Raeini and M J Blunt, “Pore-scale simulation of nanoparticle transport and deposition in a microchannel using a Lagrangian approach,” Journal of Molecular Liquids, 355, 118948 (2022).
A M Selem, N Agenet, M J Blunt and B Bijeljic, “Pore-scale processes in tertiary low salinity waterflooding in a carbonate rock: Micro-dispersions, water film growth, and wettability change,” Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 628, 486–498 (2022).
E Ranaee, R Khattar, F Inzoli, M J Blunt and A Guadagnini, “Assessment and uncertainty quantification of onshore geological CO2 storage capacity in China, International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 121, 103804 (2022).
G Imani, L Zhang, M J Blunt, S Foroughi, M Ntibahanana, H Sun and J Yao, “Three-dimensional simulation of droplet dynamics in a fractionally-wet constricted channel, Advances in Water Resources, 170, 104341 (2022).
S Foroughi, B Bijeljic and M J Blunt, “A Closed-Form Equation for Capillary Pressure in Porous Media for All Wettabilities,” Transport in Porous Media, 145, 683–696 (2022).
M J Blunt, “Ostwald ripening and gravitational equilibrium: Implications for long-term subsurface gas storage,” Physical Review E, 106, 045103 (2022).
F Amrouche, D Xu, M Short, S Iglauer, J Vinogradov and M J Blunt, “Experimental study of electrical heating to enhance oil production from oil-wet carbonate reservoirs, Fuel, 324(A),124559 (2022).
R Oliveira, M J Blunt and B Bijeljic, “Impact of Physical Heterogeneity and Transport Conditions on Effective Reaction Rates in Dissolution,” Transport in Porous Media, (2022).
G Imani, L Zhang, M J Blunt, C Xu, Y Guo, H Sun and J Yao, “Quantitative determination of the threshold pressure for a discontinuous phase to pass through a constriction using microscale simulation,” International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 153, (2022).
C Spurin, M Rücker, M Moura, T Bultreys, G Garfi, S Berg, M J Blunt and S Krevor, “Red Noise in Steady-State Multiphase Flow in Porous Media,” Water Resources Research, 58, e2022WR031947 (2022).
A Q Raeini, L M Giudici, M J Blunt and B Bijeljic, “Generalized network modelling of two-phase flow in a water-wet and mixed-wet reservoir sandstone: Uncertainty and validation with experimental data,” Advances in Water Resources, 164, 104194, (2022).
M-L Qu, S-Y Lu, Q Lin, S Foroughi, Z-T Yu and M J Blunt, “Characterization of Water Transport in Porous Building Materials Based on an Analytical Spontaneous Imbibition Model,” Transport in Porous Media, 143, 417–432 (2022).
M J Shojaei, B Bijeljic, Y Zhang and M J Blunt, “Minimal Surfaces in Porous Materials: X-Ray Image-Based Measurement of the Contact Angle and Curvature in Gas Diffusion Layers to Design Optimal Performance of Fuel Cells,” ACS Applied Energy Materials, 5(4), 4613-4621 (2022).
Y Zhang, B Bijeljic and M J Blunt, “Nonlinear multiphase flow in hydrophobic porous media,” Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 934, R3 (2022).
S Mukherjee, R T Johns, S Foroughi and M J Blunt, “Fluid – Fluid Interfacial Area and Its Impact on Relative Permeability - A Pore Network Modeling Study,” SPE Journal, 27, 1-11 (2022).
G Zhang, S Foroughi, A Q Raeini, M J Blunt and B Bijeljic, "The impact of bimodal pore size distribution and wettability on relative permeability and capillary pressure in a microporous limestone with uncertainty quantification,” Advances in Water Resources 171, 104352 (2023).
H Hematpur, R Abdollahi, S Rostami, M Haghighi, M J Blunt, “Review of underground hydrogen storage: Concepts and Challenges,” Advances in Geo-Energy Research, 7, 111-131 (2023).
A Alhosani, A Selem, S Foroughi, B Bijeljic and M J Blunt, “Steady-State Three-Phase Flow in a Mixed-Wet Porous Medium: A Pore-Scale X-ray Microtomography Study,” Advances in Water Resources, 104382 (2023).
Conference proceedings
20. A Selem, N Agenet, M Blunt and B Bijeljic, “Observations of water-in-oil micro-dispersions as a displacement mechanism in secondary and tertiary low salinity waterflooding,” Proceedings of the Fourth EAGE WIPIC Workshop, March 2022.
Q Lin , T Akai , M J Blunt , B Bijeljic , H Iwama , K Takabayashi , Y Onaka and H Yonebayashi, “Pore-scale imaging of asphaltene-induced pore clogging in carbonate rocks,” Fuel, 283, 118871 (2021).
M J Blunt, A Alhosani, Qi Lin, A Scanziani, and B Bijeljic, “Determination of contact angles for three-phase flow in porous media using an energy balance,” Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 582, 283–290 (2021).
M Rezaeizadeh, S H Hajiabadi, H Aghaei and M J Blunt, “Pore-scale analysis of formation damage; A review of existing digital and analytical approaches,” Advances in Colloid and Interface Science, 288, 102345 (2021).
A Alhosani, Q Lin, A Scanziani, E Andrews, K Zhang, B Bijeljic and M J Blunt, “Pore-scale characterization of carbon dioxide storage at immiscible and near-miscible conditions in altered-wettability reservoir rocks,” International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 105, 103232 (2021).
Y Zhang, B Bijeljic, Y Gao, Q Lin, and M J Blunt, “Quantification of nonlinear multiphase flow in porous media,” Geophysical Research Letters, 48, e2020GL090477 (2021).
S Foroughi, B Bijeljic and M J Blunt, “Pore-by-Pore Modelling, Validation and Prediction of Waterfooding in Oil-Wet Rocks Using Dynamic Synchrotron Data,” Transport in Porous Media, 138, 285–308 (2021).
Q Lin, B Bijeljic, S Foroughi, S Berg and M J Blunt, “Pore-scale imaging of displacement patterns in an altered-wettability carbonate,” Chemical Engineering Science, 235, 116464 (2021).
L Hashemi, M Blunt and H Hajibeygi, “Pore‑scale modelling and sensitivity analyses of hydrogen‑brine multiphase flow in geological porous media,” Scientific Reports, 11, 8348 (2021).
A Alhosani, B Bijeljic and M J Blunt, “Pore-Scale Imaging and Analysis of Wettability Order, Trapping and Displacement in Three-Phase Flow in Porous Media with Various Wettabilities,” Transport in Porous Media, 140, 59–84 (2021).
Y Yang, Y Zhou , M J Blunt, J Yao and J Cai, “Advances in multiscale numerical and experimental approaches for multiphysics problems in porous media,” Advances in Geo-Energy Research, 5(3), 233-238 (2021).
R Oliveira, B Bijeljic, M J Blunt, A Colbourne, A J Sederman, M D Mantle and L F Gladden, “A continuous time random walk method to predict dissolution in porous media based on validation of experimental NMR data,” Advances in Water Resources, 149, 103847 (2021).
P Karvounis and M J Blunt, “Unconstrained Extraction of Fossil Fuels and Implication for Carbon Budgets under Climate Change Scenarios,” Journal of Fluid Flow, Heat and Mass Transfer, 8, 72-79 (2021).
A H. Haghi, R Chalaturnyk, M J Blunt, K Hodder and S Geiger, “Poromechanical controls on spontaneous imbibition in earth materials,” Scientific Reports, 11, 3328 (2021).
C Spurin, T Bultreys, M Rücker, G Garfi, C M Schlepütz, V Novak, S Berg, M J Blunt and S Krevor, “The development of intermittent multiphase fluid flow pathways through a porous rock,” Advances in Water Resources, 150, 103868 (2021).
P Karvounis and M J Blunt, “Assessment of CO2 geological storage capacity of saline aquifers under the North Sea,” International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 111, 103463 (2021).
R Shams, M Masihi, R B Boozarjomehry and M J Blunt, “A hybrid of statistical and conditional generative adversarial neural network approaches for reconstruction of 3D porous media (ST-CGAN),” Advances in Water Resources, 158, 104064 (2021).
A Alhosani, A M Selem, Q Lin, B Bijeljic and M J Blunt, “Disconnected Gas Transport in Steady-State Three-Phase Flow,” Water Resources Research, 57, e2021WR031147 (2021).
M J Blunt and Q Lin, “Flow in porous media in the energy transition,” Engineering (2021).
Q Lin, B Bijeljic, A Q Raeini, H Rieke and M J Blunt, “Drainage Capillary Pressure Distribution and Fluid Displacement in a Heterogeneous Laminated Sandstone,” Geophysical Research Letters, 48, e2021GL093604 (2021).
A H Selem, N Agenet, Y Gao, A Q Raeini, M J Blunt and B Bijeljic, “Pore-scale imaging and analysis of low salinity waterflooding in a heterogeneous carbonate rock at reservoir conditions,” Scientific Reports, 11, 15063 (2021).
A Mularczy, Q Lin, D Niblett, A Vasile, M J Blunt, V Niasar, F Marone, T J Schmidt, F N Büchi and J Eller, “Operando Liquid Pressure Determination in Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cells,” ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 13, 34003–34011 (2021).
M Shams, K Singh, B Bijeljic and M J Blunt, “Direct Numerical Simulation of Pore-Scale Trapping Events During Capillary-Dominated Two-Phase Flow in Porous Media,” Transport in Porous Media, 138, 443–458 (2021). 23
O Karlsson, J Rocklöv, A P Lehoux, J Bergquist, A Rutgersson, M J Blunt and L S Birnbaum, “The human exposome and health in the Anthropocene,” International Journal of Epidemiology, 50, 378-389 (2021).
Y Da Wang, M J Blunt, R T Armstrong and P Mostaghimi, “Deep learning in pore scale imaging and modeling,” Earth-Science Reviews, 215, 103555 (2021).
P Purswani, R T Johns, Z T Karpyn and M J Blunt, “Predictive Modeling of Relative Permeability Using a Generalized Equation of State,” SPE Journal, 26, 191-205, SPE-200410-PA (2021).
Y Gao, A Q Raeini, M J Blunt and B Bijeljic, “Dynamic fluid configurations in steady-state two-phase flow in Bentheimer sandstone,” Physical Review E 103, 013110 (2021).
Conference proceedings
M Blunt, L Kearney, A Alhosani, Q Lin and B Bijeljic, “Wettability Characterization from Pore-Scale Images Using Topology and Energy Balance with Implications for Recovery and Storage,” SPE-206202-MS, proceedings of the SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, Dubai, UAE, September (2021).
A H Selem, N Agenet, M J Blunt and B Bijeljic, “Pore-Scale Imaging of Tertiary Low Salinity Waterflooding in a Heterogeneous Carbonate Rock at Reservoir Conditions,” SPE-206357-MS, proceedings of the SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, Dubai, UAE, September 2021.
A Scanziani, K Singh, H Menke, B Bijeljic and M J Blunt, “Dynamics of enhanced gas trapping applied to CO2 storage in the presence of oil using synchrotron X-ray micro tomography,” Applied Energy, 259, 114136 (2020).
L Ladipo, M J Blunt and P R King, “A salinity cut-off method to control numerical dispersion in low-salinity waterflooding simulation,” Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 184, 106586 (2020).
R Shams, M Masihi, R B Boozarjomehry and M J Blunt, “Coupled generative adversarial and auto-encoder neural networks to reconstruct three-dimensional multi-scale porous media,” Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 186, 106794 (2020).
A M Alhammadi, Y Gao. M J Blunt and B Bijeljic, “Pore-scale X-ray imaging with measurement of relative permeability, capillary pressure and oil recovery in a mixed-wet micro-porous carbonate reservoir rock,” Fuel, 268,117018 (2020).
M J Blunt, T Akai and B Bijeljic, “Evaluation of methods using topology and integral geometry to assess wettability,” Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 576 99–108 (2020).
Y Gao, Q Lin, B Bijeljic and M J Blunt, “Pore-scale dynamics and the multiphase Darcy law,” Physical Review Fluids, 5 013801 (2020).
T Akai, M J Blunt and B Bijeljic, “Pore-scale numerical simulation of low salinity water flooding using the lattice Boltzmann method,” Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 566, 444-453 (2020).
A Mularczyk, Q Lin, M J Blunt, A Lamibrac, F Marone, T J Schmidt, F N Büchi and J Eller, “Droplet and Percolation Network Interactions in a Fuel Cell Gas Diffusion Layer,” Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 167 084506 (2020).
T Akai, Q Lin, B Bijeljic and M J Blunt, “Using energy balance to determine pore-scale wettability,” Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 576, 486-495 (2020).
S Foroughi, B Bijeljic, Q Lin, A Q Raeini and M J Blunt, “Pore-by-pore modeling, analysis, and prediction of two-phase flow in mixed-wet rocks,” Physical Review E, 102, 023302 (2020).
Y Gao , A Q Raeini, A M Selem, I Bondino , M J Blunt and B Bijeljic, “Pore-scale imaging with measurement of relative permeability and capillary pressure on the same reservoir sandstone sample under water-wet and mixed-wet conditions,” Advances in Water Resources, 146, 103786 (2020).
O Karlsson, J Rocklöv, A P Lehoux, J Bergquist, A Rutgersson, M J Blunt and L S Birnbaum, “The human exposome and health in the Anthropocene,” International Journal of Epidemiology (2020).
A Alhosani, A Scanziani, Q Lin, A Selem, Z Pan, M J Blunt and B Bijeljic, “Three-phase flow displacement dynamics and Haines jumps in a hydrophobic porous medium,” Proceedings of the Royal Society A, 476, 20200671 (2020).
T D S Oliveira, M J Blunt and B Bijeljic, “Multispecies reactive transport in a microporous rock: Impact of flow heterogeneity and reversibility of reaction,” Water Resources Research, 56, e2020WR027317 (2020).
P Purswani, R T Johns, Z T Karpyn and M J Blunt, “Predictive Modeling of Relative Permeability Using a Generalized Equation of State,” SPE Journal, 15, SPE-200410-PA (2020).
A Scanziani, A Alhosani, QLin, C Spurin, G Garfi, M J Blunt and B Bijeljic, “In situ characterization of three-phase flow in mixed-wet porous media using synchrotron imaging,” Water Resources Research, 56, e2020WR027873 (2020).
A Alhosani, A Scanziani, Q Lin , S Foroughi, A M Alhammadi, M J Blunt, and B Bijeljic “Dynamics of water injection in an oil-wet reservoir rock at subsurface conditions: Invasion patterns and pore-filling events,” Physical Review E, 102, 023110 (2020).
C Spurin, T Bultreys, M Rücker, G Garfi, C M Schlepütz, V Novak, S Berg, M J Blunt and S Krevor, “Real-time imaging reveals distinct pore-scale dynamics during transient and equilibrium subsurface multiphase flow,” Water Resources Research, 56, e2020WR028287 (2020).
T Bultreys, K Singh, Raeini, L C Ruspini, P-E Øren, S Berg, M Rücker, B Bijeljic and M J Blunt, “Verifying pore network models of imbibition in rocks using time-resolved synchrotron imaging,” Water Resources Research, 56, e2019WR026587 (2020).
A Alhosani, A Scanziani, Q Lin, A Q Raeini, B Bijeljic and M J Blunt, “Pore-scale mechanisms of CO2 storage in oilfelds,” Scientific Reports, 10, 8534 (2020).
M Rücker, W-B Bartels, T Bultreys, M Boone, K Singh, G Garfi, A Scanziani, C Spurin, S Yesufu-Rufai, S Krevor, M J Blunt, O Wilson, H Mahani, V Cnudde, P F Luckham A Georgiadis and S Berg “Workflow for Upscaling Wettability from the Nanoscale to Core Scale,” Petrophysics, 61, 189–205 (2020).
L Mosser, O Dubrule and M J Blunt, “Stochastic Seismic Waveform Inversion Using Generative Adversarial Networks as a Geological Prior,” Mathematical Geoscience, 52, 53-79 (2020).
T Saif, Q Lin, Y Gao, Y Al-Khulaifi, F Marone, D Hollis, M J Blunt and B Bijeljic "4D in situ synchrotron X-ray tomographic microscopy and laser-based heating study of oil shale pyrolysis," Applied Energy, 235, 1468-1475 (2019).
S Franchini, A Charogiannis, CN Markides, M J Blunt and S Krevor, “Calibration of astigmatic particle tracking velocimetry based on generalized Gaussian feature extraction,” Advances in Water Resources, 124, 1-8 (2019).
M Rücker, W-B Bartels, K Singh, N Brussee, A Coorn, A., H van der Linde, A Bonnin, H. Ott, S M Hassanizadeh, M J Blunt, H Mahani, A Georgiadis and S Berg, “The effect of mixed wettability on pore‐scale flow regimes based on a flooding experiment in Ketton limestone.” Geophysical Research Letters, 46, 3225-3234 (2019).
T D S Oliveira, M J Blunt and B Bijeljic, “Modelling of multispecies reactive transport on pore-space images,” Advances in Water Resources, 127 192–208 (2019).
M J Blunt, Q Lin, T Akai and B Bijeljic, “A thermodynamically consistent characterization of wettability in porous media using high-resolution imaging,” Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 552 59–65 (2019).
Y Gao, A Q Raeini, M J Blunt and B Bijeljic, “Pore occupancy, relative permeability and flow intermittency measurements using X-ray micro-tomography in a complex carbonate,” Advances in Water Resources, 129 56–69 (2019).
Y Al-Khulaifi, Q Lin, M J Blunt and B Bijeljic, “Pore‐Scale Dissolution by CO2 Saturated Brine in a Multimineral Carbonate at Reservoir Conditions: Impact of Physical and Chemical Heterogeneity,” Water Resources Research, 55 3171-3193 (2019).
Q Lin, B Bijeljic, S C Krevor, M J Blunt. M Rücker, S Berg, A Coorn, H van der Linde, A Georgiadis and O B Wilson, “A New Waterflood Initialization Protocol With Wettability Alteration for Pore-Scale Multiphase Flow Experiments,” Petrophysics, 60 264–272 (2019).
Q Lin, B Bijeljic, S Berg, R Pini, M J Blunt and S Krevor, “Minimal surfaces in porous media: Pore-scale imaging of multiphase flow in an altered-wettability Bentheimer sandstone,” Physical Review E, 99, 063105 (2019).
A S Abd, E Elhafyana, A R Siddiquia, W Alnousha, M J Blunt and N Alyafei, “A review of the phenomenon of counter-current spontaneous imbibition: Analysis and data interpretation,” Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 180, 456-470 (2019).
C Spurin, T Bultreys, B Bijejic and S Krevor, “Intermittent fluid connectivity during two-phase flow in a heterogeneous carbonate rock,” Physical Review E, 100, 043103 (2019).
C Spurin, T Bultreys, B Bijejic and S Krevor, “Mechanisms controlling fluid breakup and reconnection during two-phase flow in porous media,” Physical Review E, 100, 043115 (2019).
T Akai, Q Lin, A Alhosani, B Bijeljic and M J Blunt, “Quantification of Uncertainty and Best Practice in Computing Interfacial Curvature from Complex Pore Space Images,” Materials, 12, 2138 (2019).
Y Gao, A Q Raeini, M J Blunt and Branko Bijeljic, “Pore occupancy, relative permeability and flow intermittency measurements using X-ray micro-tomography in a complex carbonate,” Advances in Water Resources, 129, 56–69 (2019).
A Alhosani, A Scanziani, Q Lin, Z Pan, B Bijeljic and M J Blunt, “In situ pore-scale analysis of oil recovery during three-phase near-miscible CO2 injection in a water-wet carbonate rock,” Advances in Water Resources, 134, 103432 (2019).
A Q Raeini, J Yang, I Bondino, T Bultreys, M J Blunt and B Bijeljic, “Validating the Generalized Pore Network Model Using Micro-CT Images of Two-Phase Flow,” Transport in Porous Media, 130, 405-424 (2019).
T Akai, A M Alhammadi, M J Blunt and B Bijeljic, “Mechanisms of Microscopic Displacement During Enhanced Oil Recovery in Mixed-Wet Rocks Revealed Using Direct Numerical Simulation,” Transport in Porous Media, 130, 731-749 (2019).
A Scanziani, K Singh, H Menke, B Bijeljic and M J Blunt, “Dynamics of enhanced gas trapping applied to CO2 storage in the presence of oil using synchrotron X-ray micro tomography,” Applied Energy, 114136 (2019).
L Mosser, O Dubrule and M J Blunt, “Stochastic Seismic Waveform Inversion Using Generative Adversarial Networks as a Geological Prior,” Mathematical Geoscience, November, 1-27 (2019).
L Mosser, O Dubrule and M J Blunt, “Deep Stochastic Inversion”, Petroleum Geostatistics, September, 1-5 (2019).
K Singh, B G Muljadi, A Q Raeini, C Jost, V Vandeginste, M J Blunt, G Theraulaz and P Degond, “The architectural design of smart ventilation and drainage systems in termite nests,” Science Advances,5, eaat8520 (2019).
A Q Raeini, B Bijeljic, and Martin J Blunt, “Generalized network modeling of capillary-dominated two-phase flow,” Physical Review E 97, 023308 (2018). [DOI]
H A Nooruddin and M J Blunt, “Large-scale Invasion Percolation with Trapping for Upscaling Capillary-Controlled Darcy-scale Flow,” Transport in Porous Media, 121, 479-506 (2018). [DOI]
T Bultreys, Q Lin, Y Gao, A Q Raeini, A AlRatrout, B Bijeljic, and M J Blunt, “Validation of model predictions of pore-scale fluid distributions during two-phase flow,” Physical Review E, 97, 053104 (2018). [DOI]
B P Muljadi, B Bijeljic, M J Blunt, A Colbourne, A J Sederman, M D Mantle and L F Gladden, “Modelling and upscaling of transport in carbonates during dissolution: Validation and calibration with NMR experiments,” Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, 212, 85–95 (2018). [DOI]
A AlRatrout, M J Blunt, and B Bijeljic, “Wettability in complex porous materials: the mixed-wet state and its relationship to surface roughness,” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 115 (36) 8901-8906 (2018). [DOI]
A AlRatrout, M J Blunt, and B Bijeljic, “Spatial correlation of contact angle and curvature in pore-space images,” Water Resources Research, 54, 6133–6152 (2018). [DOI]
K Singh, H Menke, M Andrew, C Rau, B Bijeljic and M J Blunt, “Time-resolved synchrotron X-ray microtomography datasets of drainage and imbibition in carbonate rocks,” Scientific Data, 5, 180265 (2018). [DOI]
T Akai, B Bijeljic and M J Blunt MJ, “Wetting boundary condition for the color-gradient lattice Boltzmann method: Validation with analytical and experimental data,” Advances in Water Resources, 116, 56-66 (2018). [DOI]
K Singh, B U Anabaraonye, M J Blunt and J Crawshaw, “Partial dissolution of carbonate rock grains during reactive CO2-saturated brine injection under reservoir conditions,” Advances in Water Resources, 122, 27-36 (2018). [DOI]
M Shams, A Q Raeini, M J Blunt and B Bijeljic, “A numerical model of two-phase flow at the micro-scale using the volume-of-fluid method,” Journal of Computational Physics, 357, 159–182 (2018). [DOI]
N Alyafei and M J Blunt, “Estimation of relative permeability and capillary pressure from mass imbibition experiments, Advances in Water Resources, 115, 88–94 (2018). [DOI]
M Shams, A Q Raeini, M J Blunt and B Bijeljic, “A study to investigate viscous coupling effects on the hydraulic conductance of fluid layers in two-phase flow at the pore level,” Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 522, 299-310 (2018). [DOI]
V Lutz-Bueno, C Arboleda, L Leu, M J Blunt, A Busch, A Georgiadis, P Bertier, J Schmatz, Z Varga, P Villanueva-Perez, Z Wang, M Lebugle, C David, M Stampanoni, A Diaz, M Guizar-Sicairos and A Menzel, “Model‐free classification of X‐ray scattering signals applied to image segmentation,” Journal of Applied Crystallography, 51, 1378-1386 (2018). [DOI]
Y Al-Khulaifi, Q Lin, MJ Blunt, B Bijeljic, “Reservoir-condition pore-scale imaging of dolomite reaction with supercritical CO2 acidified brine: Effect of pore-structure on reaction rate using velocity distribution analysis,” International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 68, 99-111 (2018). [DOI]
A M Alhammadi, A AlRatrout, B Bijeljic and M J Blunt, “Pore-scale Imaging and Characterization of Hydrocarbon Reservoir Rock Wettability at Subsurface Conditions Using X-ray Microtomography,”. Journal of Visualized Experiments,140, e57915, (2018). [DOI]
Q Lin, B Bijeljic, R Pini, M J Blunt and S Krevor, “Imaging and measurement of pore‐scale interfacial curvature to determine capillary pressure simultaneously with relative permeability,” Water Resources Research, 54, 7046–7060 (2018). [DOI]
L Mosser, O Dubrule, MJ Blunt, “Stochastic reconstruction of an oolitic limestone by generative adversarial networks,” Transport in Porous Media 125(1), 81-103 (2018). [DOI]
A Scanziani, K Singh, T Bultreys, B Bijeljic and M J Blunt, “In situ characterization of immiscible three-phase flow at the pore scale for a water-wet carbonate rock,” Advances in Water Resources, 121, 446-455 (2018). [DOI]
Q Lin, M Andrew, W Thompson, M J Blunt and B Bijeljic, “Optimization of image quality and acquisition time for lab-based X-ray microtomography using an iterative reconstruction algorithm,” Advances in Water Resources 115, 112-124 (2018). [DOI]
H P Menke, C A Reynolds, M G Andrew, J P P Nunes, B Bijeljic and M J Blunt, “4D multi-scale imaging of reactive flow in carbonates: Assessing the impact of heterogeneity on dissolution regimes using streamlines at multiple length scales,” Chemical Geology 481, 27-37 (2018). [DOI]
C A Reynolds, M J Blunt and S Krevor, “Multiphase Flow Characteristics of Heterogeneous Rocks From CO2 Storage Reservoirs in the United Kingdom,” Water Resources Research 54(2), 729-745 (2018). [DOI]
T Akai, A M Alhammadi, M J Blunt and B Bijeljic, “Modeling Oil Recovery in Mixed-Wet Rocks: Pore-Scale Comparison Between Experiment and Simulation,” Transport in Porous Media, 1-22 (2018). [DOI]
M J Blunt, "Multiphase Flow in Permeable Media: a Pore-Scale Perspective," Cambridge University Press, ISBN:9781107093461 (2017).
M J Blunt, "Volume 2: Reservoir Engineering," Imperial College Lectures in Petroleum Engineering, ISBN: 978-1-78634-211-9 (2017).
A Q Raeini, B Bijeljic, and Martin J Blunt, “Generalized network modeling: Network extraction as a coarse-scale discretization of the void space of porous media,” Physical Review E, 96, 013312 (2017) [DOI]
C Xie, A Q Raeini, Y Wang, M J Blunt and M Wang, "An improved pore-network model including viscous coupling effects using direct simulation by the lattice Boltzmann method," Advances in Water Resources, 100, 26–34 (2017). [DOI][PDF]
W-B Bartels, M Rücker, S Berg, H Mahani, A Georgiadis, A Fadili, N Brussee, A Coorn, H van der Linde, C Hinz, A Jacob, C Wagner, S Henkel, F Enzmann, A Bonnin, M Stampanoni, H Ott, M Blunt and S M Hassanizadeh, "Fast X-ray micro-CT study of the impact of brine salinity on the pore-scale fluid distribution during waterflooding," Petrophysics, 58 (1), 36–47 (2017). [SPWLA-2017-v58n1a4]
H P Menke, M G Andrew, J Vila-Comamala, C Rau, M J Blunt and B Bijeljic, "Dynamic pore-scale reservoir-condition imaging of reaction in carbonates using synchrotron fast tomography," Journal of Visualized Experiments, 120, e53763 (2017). [DOI][PDF]
T Saif, Q Lin, B Bijeljic and M J Blunt, "Microstructural imaging and characterization of oil shale before and after pyrolysis," Fuel, 197, 562–574 (2017). [DOI][PDF]
Y Al-Khulaifi, Q Lin, M J Blunt and B Bijeljic, "Reaction rates in chemically heterogeneous rock: coupled impact of structure and flow properties studied by X-ray microtomography," Environmental Science & Technology, 51, 4108−4116 (2017). [DOI][PDF]
T Saif, Qi Lin, A R Butcher, B Bijeljic and M J Blunt, "Multi-scale multi-dimensional microstructure imaging of oil shale pyrolysis using X-ray micro-tomography, automated ultra-high resolution SEM, MAPS Mineralogy and FIB-SEM," Applied Energy, 202, 628–647 (2017). [DOI][PDF]
K Singh, H Menke, M Andrew, Q Lin, C Rau, M J Blunt and B Bijeljic, "Dynamics of snap-off and pore-filling events during two-phase flow in permeable media," Scientific Reports, 7, 5192 (2017). [DOI][PDF]
A Scanziani, K Singh, M J Blunt and A Guadagnini, "Automatic method for estimation of in situ effective contact angle from X-ray micro tomography images of two-phase flow in porous media," Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 496, 51–59 (2017). [DOI][PDF]
A M Alhammadi, A Al Ratrout, K Singh, B Bijeljic and M J Blunt, "In situ characterization of mixed-wettability in a reservoir rock at subsurface conditions," Scientific Reports, 7, 10753 (2017). [DOI][PDF]
A Y Foley, H A Nooruddin and M J Blunt, "The impact of capillary backpressure on spontaneous counter-current imbibition in porous media," Advances in Water Resources, 107, 405–420 (2017). [DOI][PDF]
Al-Menhali, A. S., Menke, H. P., Blunt, M. J. and Krevor, S. C. "Pore scale observations of trapped CO2 in mixed-wet carbonate rock: Applications to storage in oil fields." Environmental Science & Technology, 50(18), 10282–10290 (2016). [DOI]
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Alyafei, N., Al-Menhali, A. and Blunt, M. J. "Experimental and analytical investigation of spontaneous imbibition in water-wet carbonates." Transport in Porous Media, 115(1), 189–207 (2016). [DOI]
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Z. Alhashmi, M.J. Blunt, B. Bijeljic, "Predictions of dynamic changes in reaction rates as a consequence of incomplete mixing using pore scale reactive transport modeling on images of porous media", Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, 179:171–181 (2015) [DOI]
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M. Andrew , B. Bijeljic , M. Blunt, "Reservoir condition pore-scale imaging of multiple fluid phases using X-ray microtomography", Journal of Visualized Experiments, 96:e52440 (2015) [DOI]
M. Andrew, H. Menke, M.J. Blunt, B. Bijeljic, "The imaging of dynamic multiphase fluid flow using synchrotron-based X-ray microtomography at reservoir conditions", Transport in Porous Media, 110:1–24 (2015) [DOI]
S. Krevor, M.J. Blunt, S.M. Benson, C.H. Pentland, C. Reynolds, A. Al-Menhali, B. Niu, "Capillary trapping for geologic carbon dioxide storage – From pore scale physics to field scale implications", International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 40:221–237 (2015) [DOI]
H.P. Menke, B. Bijeljic, M.G. Andrew, and M.J. Blunt, "Dynamic three-dimensional pore-scale imaging of reaction in a carbonate at reservoir conditions", Environmental Science & Technology, 49(7):4407–441 (2015) [DOI]
J. P. Pereira Nunes, B. Bijeljic, M. J. Blunt, "Time-of-flight distributions and breakthrough curves in heterogeneous porous media using a pore-scale streamline tracing algorithm", Transport in Porous Media, 109(2):317–336 (2015) [DOI]
E. Ranaee, G.M. Porta, M. Riva, M.J. Blunt, A. Guadagnini, "Prediction of three-phase oil relative permeability through a sigmoid-based model", Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 126: 190–200 (2015) [DOI]
G.M. Porta, B. Bijeljic, M.J. Blunt, A. Guadagnini, "Continuum-scale characterization of solute transport based on pore-scale velocity distributions", Geophysical Research Letters, 42(18):7537–7545 (2015) [DOI]
B.P. Muljadi, M.J. Blunt, A.Q. Raeini, B. Bijeljic, "The impact of porous media heterogeneity on non-Darcy flow behaviour from pore-scale simulation", Advances in Water Resources, in press, (2015) [DOI]
A.Q. Raeini, B. Bijeljic and M.J. Blunt, "Modelling capillary trapping using finite-volume simulation of two-phase flow directly on micro-CT images", Advances in Water Resources, 83, 102-110 (2015) [DOI]
M. Andrew, B. Bijeljic, M.J. Blunt, "Pore-scale contact angle measurements at reservoir conditions using X-ray microtomography", Advances in Water Resources 68, 24–31, (2014) [DOI]
B. Amaechi, S. Iglauer, C.H. Pentland, B. Bijeljic, M.J. Blunt, "An Experimental Study of Three-Phase Trapping in Sand-Packs", Transport in Porous Media, 103:421–436, (2014) [DOI]
M. Andrew, B. Bijeljic, M.J. Blunt, "Pore-scale imaging of trapped supercritical carbon dioxide in sandstones and carbonates", International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 22, 1–14, (2014) [DOI]
M. Andrew, B. Bijeljic and M.J. Blunt, "New frontiers in experimental geoscience: X-ray microcomputed tomography and fluid flow", Microscopy and Analysis 28(2):S4-S7 (EU), March 2014
M. Andrew, B. Bijeljic, and M.J. Blunt, "Pore-by-pore capillary pressure measurements using X-ray microtomography at reservoir conditions: Curvature, snap-off, and remobilization of residual CO2" Water Resources Research, 50, 8760–8774, (2014) [DOI]
A. Guadagnini, M. J. Blunt, M. Riva, B. Bijeljic, "Statistical Scaling of Geometric Characteristics in Millimeter Scale Natural Porous Media", Transport in Porous Media 101:465–475, (2014) [DOI]
P.K. Kang, P. de Anna, J.P. Nunes, B. Bijeljic, M.J. Blunt, and R. Juanes, "Pore-scale intermittent velocity structure underpinning anomalous transport through 3-D porous media", Geophysical Research Letters, 41, 6184–6190, (2014) [DOI]
A.Q. Raeini, M.J. Blunt, B. Bijeljic, "Direct simulations of two-phase flow on micro-CT images of porous media and upscaling of pore-scale forces", Advances in Water Resources 74 116–126, (2014) [DOI]
A.Q. Raeini, B. Bijeljic, M.J. Blunt, "Numerical Modelling of Sub-pore Scale Events in Two-Phase Flow Through Porous Media", Transport in Porous Media 101:191–213, (2014) [DOI]
C.H. Pentland, R.M. El-Maghraby, S. Iglauer, M.J. Blunt, "The toroidal porous plate: a new method to facilitate waterflooding", International Symposium of the Society of Core Analysts, Avignon, France, 8-11th September 2014
H. Ott, M. Andrew, J. Snippe, M.J. Blunt and A. Makurat, "Capillary-driven solute transport and precipitation in porous media during dryout", International Symposium of the Society of Core Analysis, Avignon, France, 8-11th September 2014
M. Siena, A. Guadagnini, M. Riva, B. Bijeljic, J. P. Pereira Nunes, and M. J. Blunt, "Statistical scaling of pore-scale Lagrangian velocities in natural porous media", Physical Review E 90, 023013, (2014) [DOI]
M. Andrew, B. Bijeljic, M.J. Blunt, "Pore-scale imaging of geological carbon dioxide storage under in situ conditions," Geophysical Research Letters, 40, 3915–3918, (2013) [DOI]
S. Iglauer , A. Paluszny, M.J. Blunt, "Simultaneous oil recovery and residual gas storage: A pore-level analysis using in situ X-ray micro-tomography," Fuel, 103, 905–914 (2013) [DOI]
M. Andrew, B Bijeljic and M.J. Blunt, "Reservoir-Condition Pore-Scale Imaging of Supercritical Carbon Dioxide," proceedings of the SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, New Orleans, USA, 166498-MS, (2013) [DOI]
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Bijeljic, B., P. Mostaghimi, and M.J. Blunt, "Insights into non-Fickian solute transport in carbonates," Water Resources Research, 49, (2013) [DOI]
Bijeljic B., Raeini, A., Mostaghimi P., and M.J. Blunt, "Predictions of non-Fickian solute transport in different classes of porous media using direct simulation on pore-scale images," Physical Review E. 87, 013011, (2013) [DOI]
M. J. Blunt, B. Bijeljic, H. Dong, O. Gharbi, S. Iglauer, P. Mostaghimi, A. Paluszny and C. Pentland, "Pore-scale imaging and modelling," Advances in Water Resources, 51:197-216, (2013) [DOI]
O. Gharbi, B. Bijeljic, E. Boek and M. J. Blunt, "Changes in pore structure and connectivity induced by CO2 injection in carbonates: a combined pore-scale approach," Energy Procedia, 37, 5367–5378, (2013) [DOI]
E. M. Chapman, J. Yang, J. P. Crawshaw and E. S. Boek, "Pore scale models for imbibition of CO2 analogue fluids in etched micro-fluidic junctions from micro-model experiments and direct LBM flow calculations," Energy Procedia, (2013)
P. Mostaghimi, M. J. Blunt and B. Bijeljic, "Computations of absolute permeability on micro-CT images," Mathematical Geosciences, 45(1):103-125, (2013) [DOI]
P. Mostaghimi, B. Bijeljic and M. Blunt, "Simulation of flow and dispersion on pore-space images," SPE Journal, 17(4), (2012) [DOI]
Y. Tanino and M. J. Blunt, "Capillary trapping in sandstones and carbonates: Dependence on pore structure," Water Resources Research, 48(8):W08525, (2012) [DOI]
R. Blumenfeld, J. F. Jordan and S. F. Edwards, "Interdependence of the volume and stress ensembles and equipartition in statistical mechanics of granular systems," Physical Review Letters, 109(23):238001, (2012) [DOI] [PDF]
M. R. Stukan, P. Ligneul and E. S. Boek, "Molecular dynamics simulation of spontaneous imbibition in nanopores and recovery of asphaltenic crude oils using surfactants for EOR applications," Oil & Gas Science and Technology - Rev. IFP Energies nouvelles, 67(5):737-742, (2012) [DOI]
S. Iglauer, M. A. Fernø, P. Shearing and M. J. Blunt, "Comparison of residual oil cluster size distribution, morphology and saturation in oil-wet and water-wet sandstone," Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 375(1):187-192, (2012) [DOI]
R. Hihinashvili and R. Blumenfeld, "Statistical-mechanical characteristics of dense planar granular systems," Granular Matter, 14(2):277-282, (2012) [DOI]
R. Blumenfeld and S.F. Edwards, "Theory of strains in auxetic materials," Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism, 25(3):565-571, (2012) [DOI]
N. I. Al-Bulushi, P. R. King, M. J. Blunt and M. Kraaijveld, "Artificial neural networks workflow and its application in the petroleum industry," Neural Computing and Applications, 21(3):409-421, (2012) [DOI]
K. A. Lawal, J. P. Crawshaw, E. S. Boek and V. Vesovic, "Experimental investigation of asphaltene deposition in capillary flow," Energy & Fuels, 26(4):2145-2153, (2012) [DOI]
A. Sengupta, P. S. Hammond, D. Frenkel and E. S. Boek, "Error analysis and correction for lattice boltzmann simulated flow conductance in capillaries of different shapes and alignments," Journal of Computational Physics, 231(6):2634-2640, (2012) [DOI]
E. S. Boek, Christopher Hall and Philippe M. J. Tardy, "Deep bed filtration modelling of formation damage due to particulate invasion from drilling fluids," Transport in Porous Media, 91(2):479-508, (2012) [DOI]
A Q Raeini, M J Blunt, and B Bijeljic, “Modelling two-phase flow in porous media at the pore scale using the volume-of-fluid method,” Journal of Computational Physics 231 5653–5668 (2012) [DOI]
S Iglauer, A Paluszny, C H Pentland, and M J Blunt, "Residual CO2 imaged with X‐ray micro‐tomography," Geophysical Research Letters 38 L21403 (2011)
S Iglauer, W Wülling, C H Pentland, S K Al-Mansoori, and M J Blunt, "Capillary-Trapping Capacity of Sandstones and Sandpacks" SPE Journal 16 (4) 778-783 (2011)
B Bijeljic, P Mostaghimi, and M J Blunt, “Signature of Non-Fickian Solute Transport in Complex Heterogeneous Porous Media,” Physical Review Letters 107 204502 (2011) [DOI]
S K Al Mansoori, E Itsekiri, S Iglauer, C H Pentland, B Bijeljic and M J Blunt, “Measurements of non-wetting phase trapping applied to carbon dioxide storage,” International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 4 283–288 (2010)
N A Idowu and M J Blunt, “Pore-Scale Modelling of Rate Effects in Waterflooding,” Transport in Porous Media 83 151–169 (2010)
X Zhao, M J Blunt and J Yao, “Pore-scale modeling: Effects of wettability on waterflood oil recovery,” Journal of Petroleum Science and Technology 71 169–178 (2010)
C H Pentland, E Itsekiri, S Al-Mansoori, S Iglauer, B Bijeljic and M J Blunt, “Measurement of Non-Wetting Phase Trapping in Sandpacks,” SPE Journal 15 274-281 (2010)
O Talabi and M J Blunt, “Pore-scale network simulation of NMR response in two-phase flow,” Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 72 1-9 (2010)
P Gittins, S Iglauer, C H Pentland, S Al-Mansoori, S Al-Sayari, B Bijeljic, and M J Blunt, “Nonwetting phase residual saturation in sand packs,” Journal of Porous Media 13(7), 591–599 (2010)
S Iglauer, S Favretto, G Spinelli, G Schena and M J Blunt, “X-ray tomography measurements of power-law cluster size distributions for the nonwetting phase in sandstones,” Physical Review E 82, 056315 (2010)
E S Boek and M Venturoli, “Lattice-Boltzmann studies of fluid flow in porous media with realistic rock geometries,” Computers and Mathematics with Applications 59 2305-2314 (2010)
P Mostaghimi, B Bijeljic and M J Blunt, “Simulation of Flow and Dispersion on Pore-Space Images,” SPE 135261, proceedings of the SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, Florence, Italy. (2010)
C H Pentland, Y Tanino, S Iglauer and M J Blunt, “Capillary Trapping in Water-Wet Sandstones: Coreflooding Experiments and Pore-Network Modeling,” SPE 133798, proceedings of the SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, Florence, Italy (2010)
E S Boek, “Pore Scale Simulation of Flow in Porous Media Using Lattice-Boltzmann Computer Simulations,” SPE 135506, proceedings of the SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, Florence, Italy. (2010)
H. Dong , M.J. Blunt. "Pore-network extraction from micro-computerized-tomography images", Physical Review E, 80(3):036307, (2009)
X. Garcia, L.T. Akanji, M.J. Blunt, S.K. Matthai, J.P. Latham, "Numerical study of the effects of particle shape and polydispersity on permeability", Physical Review E. 80(2). 021304, (2009)
S.K. Al Mansoori, S. Iglauer, C.H. Pentland, and M.J. Blunt . "Three-phase measurements of oil and gas trapping in sand packs. Advances in Water Resources", 32(10), 1535-42, (2009)
N. Al-Bulushi, P.R. King, M.J. Blunt, and M. Kraaijveld, "Development of artificial neural network models for predicting water saturation and fluid distribution", Journal of petroleum science & engineering. 68(3-4),197-208, (2009)
O. Talabi, S. AlSayari, S. Iglauer, M.J. Blunt. "Pore-scale simulation of NMR response", Journal of Petroleum Science & Engineering, 67(3-4),168-178, (2009)
R. Qi, T.C. LaForce, and M.J. Blunt . "A three-phase four-component streamline-based simulator to study carbon dioxide storage", Computational Geosciences, 13(4), 493-509 (2009)
M.E. Rhodes, B. Bijeljic, M.J.Blunt. "A Rigorous Pore-to-Field-Scal e Simulation Method for Single-Phase Flow Based on Continuous-Time Random Walks", Spe Journal, 14(1):88-94 (2009)
G. Frenkel, R. Blumenfeld, P.R. King and M.J. Blunt, "Topological Analysis of Foams and Tetrahedral Structures", Advanced Engineering Materials 11(3), 169-176, (2009)
R. Qi, T.C. LaForce, and M.J. Blunt . "Design of carbon dioxide storage in aquifers", International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 3(2), 195-205 (2009)
M.E.Rhodes, B.Bijeljic and M.J.Blunt, "Pore-to-field simulation of single-phase transport using continuous time random walks" Advances in Water Resources 31, 1527–1539 (2008) [PDF]
O. Talabi, S. AlSayari, M. Fernø, H. Riskedal, A. Graue and M.J. Blunt. "Pore Scale Simulation of NMR response in Carbonates". SCA2008-30. Presented at the International Symposium of the Society of Core Analysts held in Abu Dhabi, UAE 29 October-2 November, (2008). [PDF]
T Sochi and M J Blunt, “Pore-scale network modeling of Ellis and Herschel–Bulkley fluids,” Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 60, 105-124 (2008) [PDF].
V S Suicmez, M Piri and M J Blunt, “Effects of wettability and pore-level displacement on hydrocarbon trapping,” Advances in Water Resources 31, 503–512 (2008) [PDF].
A S Al-Kharusi and M J Blunt, “Multiphase flow predictions from carbonate pore space images using extracted network models,” Water Resources Research, 44, W06S01 (2008) [DOI][PDF].
E J Spiteri, R Juanes, M J Blunt and F M Orr, Jr., “A New Model of Trapping and Relative Permeability Hysteresis for All Wettability Characteristics,” SPE Journal 13(3), 277-288 (2008) [PDF].
O Talabi, S Alsayari, M J Blunt, H Dong and Xiucai Zhao, “Predictive Pore-Scale Modeling: From Three-Dimensional Images to Multiphase Flow Simulations,” SPE 115535, proceedings of the SPE Annual Meeting, Denver, Colorado, 21-24 September (2008) [PDF].
R Qi, T C LaForce and M J Blunt, “Design of Carbon Dioxide Storage in Oilfields,” SPE 115663, proceedings of the SPE Annual Meeting, Denver, Colorado, 21-24 September (2008) [PDF].
C H Pentland, S Al-Mansoori, S Iglauer, B Bijeljic and M J Blunt, “Measurement of Non-Wetting Phase Trapping in Sand Packs,” SPE 115697, proceedings of the SPE Annual Meeting, Denver, Colorado, 21-24 September (2008) [PDF].
B. Bijeljic and M.J. Blunt, "Pore-scale modelling of transverse dispersion in porous media", Water Resour. Res. (2007), 43, W12S11, doi:10.1029/2006WR005700 [PDF]
H. Dong, M. Touati and M.J.Blunt, "Pore Network Modelling: Analysis of Pore Size Distribution of Arabian Core Samples", SPE 105156 (2007) [PDF]
R. Qi, V. Beraldo, T. LaForce and M.J. Blunt, "Design of carbon dioxide storage in a north sea aquifer using streamline-based simulation", SPE 109905 (2007) [PDF]
H.Okabe and M.J.Blunt "Pore space reconstruction of vuggy carbonates using microtomography and multiple-point statistics" Water Resour. Res (2007), 43, W12S02, doi:10.1029/2006WR005680, 2007 [PDF]
M.I.J.van Dijke, M. Piri, J.O.Helland, K.S.Sorbie, M.J.Blunt and S. M. Skjæveland, "Criteria for three-fluid configurations including layers in a pore with nonuniform wettability", Water Resour. Res (2007), 43, W12S05, doi:10.1029/2006WR005761 [PDF]
V.S. Suicmez, M. Piri and M.J. Blunt, "Pore scale simulation of water alternate gas injection", TIPM (2007), 66, 259-286, doi:10.1007/s11242-006-0017-9 [PDF]
G. Frenkel, P. King, M. J. Blunt and R. Blumenfeld "Topological Analysis of Foams and Tetrahedral Structures" [PDF]
A.S. Al-Kharusi and M. J. Blunt, "Network extraction from sandstone and ca rbonate pore space images", JPSE (2007), 56, 219-231, doi:10.1016/j.petrol.2006.09.003 [PDF]
M.E. Rhodes and M.J. Blunt, "Advective Transport on percolation clusters", Phys Rev E (2007), 75, 011124, doi:10.1103/PhysRevE.75.011124 [PDF]
G. Di Donato, H. Lu, Z. Tavassoli and M. J. Blunt "Multirate-Transfer Dual-Porosity Modeling of Gravity Drainage and Imbibition" SPE 93144 (2007) [PDF]
R. B. Juanes, E. J. Spiteri, F. M. Orr Jr., and M. J. Blunt, "Impact of relative permeability hysteresis on geological CO2 storage", Water Resour. Res. (2006), 42, W12418, doi:10.1029/2005WR004806 [PDF]
M. E. Rhodes, B. Bijeljic and M.J. Blunt, "A rigorous pore-to-field-scale simulation methodology for single-phase flow based on continuous time random walks", (2006), SPE 106434, proceedings of the Reservoir Simulation Symposium in Houston [PDF]
B. Bijeljic and M. J. Blunt, "Pore-scale modeling and continuous time random walk analysis of dispersion in porous media", Water Resour. Res. (2006), 42, W01202, doi:10.1029/2005WR004578 [PDF]
B. Bijeljic and M. J. Blunt, "A Physically-Based D escription of Dispersion in Porous Media," (2006), SPE 102869 [PDF]
M. E. Rhodes and M. J. Blunt, "An exact particle tracking algorithm for advective-dispersive transport in networks with complete mixing at nodes ", Water Resour. Res. (2006), 42, W04501, doi:10.1029/2005WR004504 [PDF]
V.S. Suicmez, M. Piri, M.J. Blunt, "Po re Scale Modeling of Three-Phase WAG Injection: Prediction of Relative Permeabilities and Trapping for Different Displacement Cycles ," SPE 95594 (2006) [PDF]
H. Behbahani and M.J. Blunt, "Simulation of counter-current imbibition in water-wet fractured reservoirs, " Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering (2006), 50:21-39 [PDF ]
H. Behbahani and M.J. Blunt, "Analysis of Imbibition in Mixed Wet rocks using pore-scale modelling," SPE Journal (2005) [PDF]
Z. Tavassoli, R.W. Zimmerman and M.J. Blunt,"Analysis of counter-current imbibition with gravity in weakly water-wet systems," Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering (2005), 48:94-104 [PDF]
M .D. Jackson, P.H. Valvatne and M.J. Blunt, "Prediction of Wettability Variation within an Oil-Water Transition zone and its impact on production," SP E Jo urnal (2005) [PDF]
Z. Tavassoli, R.W. Zimmerman and M.J. Blunt, "Analytic Analysis for Oil Recovery During Counter-Current Imbibition in Strongly Water -Wet Syst ems," Transport in Porous Media (2005), 58:173–189, DOI 10.1007/s11242-004-5474-4 [PDF]
P. Valvatne, M. Piri, X. Lopez and M.J. Blunt, "Predictive Pore-Scale Modeling of Single and Multiphase Flow," Transport in Porous Media (2005), 58:23–41 DOI 10.1007/s11242-004-5468-2 [PDF]
M. Piri and M.J. Blunt, "Three-dimensional mixed-wet random pore-scale network modeling of two- and three-phase flow in porous media. I. Model description," Physical Review E, 71, 026301 (2005) [PDF]
M.Piri and M.J. Blunt, "Three-dimensional mixed-wet random pore-scale network model ing of two- and three-phase flow in porous media. II. Results," Physical Review E, 71, 026302 (2005) [PDF]
M.S Al-Gharbi and M.J. Blunt, "Dynamic network modeling of two-phase drainage in porous media," Physical Review E, 71, 016308 (2005)
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M. Piri and M.J. Blunt, "Three-phase threshold capillary pressures in noncircular capillary tubes with different wettabilities including contact angle hysteresis," Physical Review E, 70, 061603 (2004) [PDF]
P H Valvatne and M J Blunt, “Predictive pore-scale modeling of two-phase flow in mixed wet media," Water Resources Research, 40, W07406, doi:10.1029/2003WR002627 (2004) [PDF]
B Bijeljic, A H Muggeridge and M J Blunt, “Pore-scale modeling of longitudinal dispersion,” Water Resources Research, 40, W11501, doi:10.1029/2004WR003567 (2004) [PDF]
X Lopez and M J Blunt, “Predicting the Impact of Non-Newtonian Rheology on Relati ve Permeability Using Pore-Scale Modeling,” SPE 89981, proceedings of the SPE Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, 26-29 September (2004) [PDF]
H Behbahani and M J Blunt, “Analysis of Imbibition in Mixed-Wet Rocks Using Pore-Scale Modeling,” SPE 90132, proceedings of the SPE Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, 26-29 September (2004) [PDF]
P. Audigane and M.J. Blunt, "Dual Mesh Method for Upscaling in Waterflood Simulation", Transport in Porous Media 55: 71–89, (2004) [PDF]
P. H. Valvatne, M. Piri, X. Lopez and M.J.Blunt, "Predictive Pore-Scale Modeling of Single and Multiphase Flow", Proceedings of the ESF Workshop on Recent Advances in Multiphase Flow and Transport in Porous Media, European Science Foundation, Delft, (2003) [PDF]
M.S. Al-Gharbi and M. J. Blunt, " A 2D Dynamic Pore Network Model For Modeling Primary Drainage", Proceedings of the ESF Workshop on Recent Advances in Multiphase Flow and Transport in Porous Media, European Science Foundation, Delft, (2003) [PDF]
X. Lopez, P. H. Valvatne and M. Blunt, "Predictive network modeling of single-phase non-Newtonian flow in porous media" , Journ al of Colloid and Interface Science, 264 (1),256-265 (2003) [PDF]
B.Bijeljic ,A.H.Muggeridge,M.J.Blunt, "Multicomponent mass transfer across water films during hydrocarbon gas in jection", Chemical Engineering Science 58, 2377 –2388 (2003) [PDF]
M.D. Jackson, P.H.Valvatne, M.J. Blunt, "Prediction of wettability variation and its impact on flow using pore- to reservoir-scale simulations", Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 39 231– 246 (2003) [PDF]
H.Okabe, M.J. Blunt, "Multiple-Point Statistics to Generate Geologically Realistic Pore-Space Representations", Proceedings of the Society of Core Analysts Annual Meeting, September (2003)
P.H. Valvatne, M.J. Blunt, "Predictive Pore-Scale Network Modeling", Proceedings of the SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, Denver, October (2003) [PDF]
P. Audigane, M.J. Blu nt, "Dual Mesh Met hod in Upscaling", SPE 79681, proceedings of the SPE Reservoir Simulation Symposium, Houston, Texas, 3-5 February (2003) [PDF]
M. D. Jackson, M.J. Blunt, "Elliptic Regions and Stable Solutions for Three-Phase Flow in Porous Media", Transport in Porous Media 48: 249–269, (2002) [PDF]
M. J. Blunt, M. D. Jackson, M. Piri and P. H . Valvatne , "Detailed physics, predictive capabilities and upscaling for pore-scale models of multiphase flow," Advances in Water Resources 25, 1069-1089 (2002) [PDF]
M. Piri, M.J. Blunt, "Pore-scale modeling of three-phase flow in mixed-wet systems", SPE 77726, proceedings of the SPE Annual Conference and Exhibition, San Antonio, Texas, 29 September-2 October (2002) [PDF]
B.R. Bijeljic, A.H. Muggeridge, M .J. Blunt, "Effect of Composition on Waterblocking for Multicomponent Gasfloods", SPE 77697, proceedings of the SPE Annual Conference and Exhibition, San Antonio, Texas, 29 September-2 October (2002) [PDF]
M.D. J ackson, P.H. Valvatne, M.J. Blunt, "Prediction of wettability variation and its impact on waterflooding using pore- to reservoir-scale simulation", SPE 77543, proceedings of the SPE Annual Conference and Exhibition, San Antonio, Texas, 29 September-2 October (2002) [PDF]
M. J. Blunt, "Constraints on Contact Angles for Multiple Phases in Thermodynamic Equilibrium," Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 239, 281–282 (2001). [PDF]
L. A. Dillard, H. I. Essaid and M. J. Blunt, "A functional relation for field-scale nonaqueous phase liquid dissolution developed using a pore network model," Journal of Contaminant Hydrology 48, 89–119 (2001). [PDF]
R. G. Hughes and M. J. Blunt, "Network modeling of multiphase flow in fractures," Advances in Water Resources 24, 409-421 (2001). [PDF]
S. P. Bertels, D. A. DiCarlo, "Measurement of aperture distribution, capillary pressure,relative permeability, and in situ saturation in a rock fracture using computed tomography scanning", Water Resources Research,37(3) 649–662 March (2001) [PDF]
M. J. Blunt, "Flow in porous media pore-network models and multiphase flow", Current Opinion in Colloid & Interface Science (6) 197-207 (2001) [PDF]
H. S. Al-Hadhrami, M. J. Blunt, "Thermally Induced Wettability Alteration To Improve Oil Recovery in Fractured Reservoirs", SPE Reservoir Evaluation & Engineering, June (2001) [PDF]
M. Jackson and M. Blunt, "Dynamic Upscaling from the Pore to the Reservoir Scale", Proceedings of 21 st Annual International Energy Agency Workshop, Edinburgh, UK, 19-22 September (2000)