
We develop advanced numerical methods, models and computational techniques for prediction and monitoring

We forecast and model a wide range of industrial and environmental processes, with a particular focus on developing and applying advanced numerical methods and scientific computational techniques.

We engineer solutions to some of the most pressing global problems — including how pollution travels through busy cities, how metals enter and disperse through the environment, and how ocean wave energy dissipates on shorelines during storm surges — and work to understand the myriad physical processes occuring in the pristine and perturbed natural environment.

By reproducing realistic surfaces of flowing liquids, crashing waves, bursting bubbles and more, our modelling sheds light on processes such as:

  • ocean circulation;
  • climate systems;
  • nuclear safety;
  • radiative transport and multi-phase flow;
  • fluid-particulate-solid behaviour;
  • minerals processing; and
  • meteorite impacts.

Associated events and seminars

You can see all previous and forthcoming seminars via the ESE Events and Seminars pages.

Associated members of staff

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