Key Information

We strive to increase and broaden inclusivity and support everyone, regardless of background, in breaking down any barriers to your application the Department.

If you are unable to pay a course’s application fee, we encourage you to apply for a fee waiver. If you are interested in this MSc and wish to apply for a fee waiver, please contact the course administrator (Joanna Owens) prior to starting your application.


Open Day 2023

The Metals and Energy Finance Open Day will take place on Wednesday the 8th of February 2023. With any questions, please contact Joanna Owens, Postgraduate Administrator.

A combined Department of Earth Science & Engineering and Imperial College Business School degree

  • One-year, full-time programme relating to the technical and financial appraisal of natural energy and mineral resources projects
  • Joint programme between Imperial College Department of Earth Science and Engineering and Imperial College Business School
  • Unique in teaching quantitative financial analysis, strategic management and technical geological concepts in the context of metals and energy projects

Find the most recent ‌MSc Metals and Energy Finance Programme Specification on the Imperial College London course page for the MSc Metals and Energy Finance.

Who should attend?

Students in class

The course is aimed at geoscience and engineering graduates who wish to develop a broad understanding of the financial and strategic elements of metals and energy projects.  It is also suitable for graduates in finance and accounting who wish to develop an understanding of the technical and geological concepts relevant to metals and energy projects. Many applicants have some industry experience. 

Scholarship Opportunity

Details of PGT scholarships for 23/24 will be posted here in due course. If you have any queries, please contact the course administrator Joanna Owens


Why choose an MSc in Metals and Energy Finance?

Metals and Energy Finance students on excursion to South AfricaDemand for basic raw materials continues to rise, particularly in the emerging economies. Mining and energy companies, as well as the financial institutions that support them, continue to evaluate new and existing projects to satisfy this demand. Graduates with a combination of the technical and financial skills required to develop metals and energy projects are well placed to make the most of this opportunity.

The MSc in Metals and Energy Finance provides you with the opportunity to participate in a challenging and stimulating MSc course, while simultaneously improving your employment prospects in the financial and mining and energy sectors. The course benefits from close ties with industry, and most students base their final project on a relevant industry case study. 


Metals and Energy Finance Open Day 2023

The Metals and Energy Finance Open Day will take place on Wednesday the 8th of February 2023. With any questions, please contact Joanna Owens, Postgraduate Administrator.


The Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining - IOM3


The MSc Metals & Energy Finance programme is accredited by the UK Engineering Council so that graduates with appropriate first degrees and relevant professional experience qualify for the CEng (Chartered Engineer) designation. The UK CEng in turn has reciprocal standing in Europe and as such engineers are entitled to use the EUR ING designation.

Why Imperial?

Imperial College London has been at the forefront of teaching mining and energy-related courses since its formation in 1907.  It is recognised as a centre of world-class research and teaching in science, engineering, medicine and management.

Department of Earth Science and Engineering students ranks highly in national surveys and university league tables. 

In the most recent assessment of our research, 46% of the Department’s research was rated ‘World Leading’ and 89% was rated ‘Internationally Significant’. 

Imperial College Business School was established to provide world class teaching and research at the heart of Imperial College, London. The Metals and Energy Finance MSc course sits alongside other Finance related MSc courses delivered by Imperial College Business School.

Programme Objectives

  • Produce graduates equipped to pursue careers in the technical and financial appraisal of natural energy and mineral resource projects.
  • Offer traditional minerals related training directly applicable to a career in the minerals industry.
  • Introduce key technical and geological concepts relevant to petroleum projects.
  • Enhance career opportunities in the financial services and petroleum and mineral industries.
  • Provide the basis for an understanding of quantitative finance, accounting and strategic management within the context of technical principles that apply specifically to mineral and energy projects.
  • Respond to the importance of the City of London as a global centre for mining and energy finance by providing knowledge of corporate finance,  the equity markets, debt finance, metals markets and associated derivative markets.
  • Provide training in financial modelling, financial engineering and in the techniques of risk modelling.
  • Enhance entrepreneurial skills.
  • Cover transitioning to business leadership roles, sustainable development and engineering ethics.
  • Provide the skills needed to undertake independent research projects both in industry and in the university environment.


Short Course

As the MSc was oversubscribed for 2020-21 entry, please see details of the Metals and Energy Finance online short course for an executive version of the MSc course. 

Further Information and how to apply

We strive to increase and broaden inclusivity and support everyone, regardless of background, in breaking down any barriers to your application the Department. If you are unable to pay a course’s application fee, we encourage you to apply for a fee waiver. If you are interested in an MSc and wish to apply for a fee waiver, please contact Joanna Owens prior to starting your application.

‌For further course details and application form please see:

Please note that the programme is a one-year full-time degree and is not offered on a part-time basis. If you are interested in an executive version, please see details of the short course.

Also note that even if you don’t have prior experience in all of the areas listed above, but think your background and skills are a good fit for the programme and are excited about developing skills in the financial, technical and geological concepts relevant to metals and energy projects, please don’t hesitate to contact the course administrator to find out more and discuss.