Software Engineering
Software engineering research focuses on formal foundations and automated techniques and tools for all aspects of software engineering: requirements engineering, software development, software analysis, software verification, software reliability and software performance engineering.
Some particular topics and areas of concern include software architectures, self-managed adaptive software systems, concurrency, logic-based symbolic learning, probabilistic analysis and pervasive computing.
Research groups and centres
Dr Dalal Alrajeh
557, Huxley Building
Research interests
Formal methods, software engineering, artificial intelligence for correct software, and software for digital forensics.
Dr Cristian Cadar
435, Huxley Building
Research interests
Software engineering, computer systems, software security, practical techniques for improving software reliability and security.
Dr Giuliano Casale
432, Huxley Building
Research interests
Quality-of-service, resource management, cloud services, software architecture.
Prof Alastair Donaldson
422, Huxley Building
Research interests
Formal verification for multicore software, software performance optimization.
Dr Naranker Dulay
562, Huxley Building
Research interests
Security, pervasive/mobile/distributed systems, networking, software engineering, systems, and network management, applied machine learning.
Dr Tony Field
354, Huxley Building
Research interests
Functional programming, engineering for high performance, simulation.
Dr Antonio Filieri
572, Huxley Building
Research interests
Probabilistic software analysis, probabilistic programming, control theory for software engineering, runtime and incremental verification, quantitative and functional software properties.
Prof. William Knottenbelt
Personal details
Prof. William Knottenbelt Professor of Applied Quantitative AnalysisSend email+44 (0)20 7594 8331
363, ACE Extension
Research interests
Mathematical modelling and optimisation, parallel queueing systems, resource allocation, Markov models, decentralised finance, blockchain, and cryptocurrencies.
Dr Ben Livshits
569, Huxley Building
Research interests
Security, privacy, program analysis, compilers, software engineering and crowd-sourcing.
Prof. Emil Lupu
564, Huxley Building
Research interests
Adaptive systems, security, personal networks for healthcare, autonomous vehicles, wireless sensor networks, security for sensor-based environments, security management and authorisation policies.
Prof. Jeff Magee
2.06, Faculty Building
Research interests
His research is concerned with the software engineering of self-adaptive and distributed systems, including design methods, analysis techniques, operating systems, languages and program support environments for these systems.
Dr Peter McBrien
428, Huxley Building
Research interests
Data integration, information systems, modelling, distributed databases.
Prof. Alessandra Russo
Personal details
Prof. Alessandra Russo Professor in Applied Computational LogicSend email+44 (0)20 7594 8312
I-X, Translation and Innovation Hub (I-HUB), White City Campus
Research interests
Computational logic, logic-based machine learning, probabilistic and distributed Inference, cognitive systems, autonomous systems.
Dr Sebastian Uchitel
575, Huxley Building
Research interests
Software engineering, modelling, analysis, partial behaviour models, scenario-based specifications, verification of probabilistic systems, controller synthesis, machine learning, automated diagnosis, and adaptive systems.