Open Days: Computing and JMC

Taking place in June and September, prospective undergraduates and parents can visit the Department of Computing during Faculty of Engineering Open Days. Apply for your place at the next Imperial College Open Day


Taster Course: Future Computing

Registration opens 1 May 2023. Please use this link to register

This one-day course, held on Wednesday 7th June 2023, will give prospective students an insight into the computing courses offered at Imperial College and how we prepare our students to take a leading role in the world of science, finance and research.

In addition to cutting-edge research seminars from our world-famous professors and lecturers, you will see project presentations from current students and even have the opportunity to gain some hands-on experience in our computer labs.

Previous Future Computing Taster Days have included talks and lectures on recursion, induction and puzzle solving; using image analysis to uncover abnormalities in the human body; how webcams can be used to create a 3D map of a room in seconds; how artificial intelligence can tell you what emotions people are experiencing just from observing their gestures; making robots see and how search engines are trying to track your every move in order to anticipate your next search request.

Computing lies at the heart of society: from medical imaging to search engines, from iris recognition to weather prediction. Find out where the future lies for computing and how Imperial is at the forefront of creating that future…

We look forward to seeing you there! 

Feedback from last year's participants:

"Dr Tony Field's enthusiasm and interactivity’ was ‘amazing’ and ‘a joy to watch"
"The lectures were ‘fun and understandable’, ‘engaging and accessible’. I was ‘very impressed"
"The group presentations allowed me to get an insight into how useful and innovative the courses are"
"Independent learning was rewarding’, ‘engaging’ and ‘challenging"
"I enjoyed the practical aspect"

Taster Course: How Maths drives Computing

Registration opens 1 May 2023. Please use this form to register

This one-day course, held on Wednesday 7th June 2023, will give prospective students an insight into our joint maths and computing course and is suitable for students taking or thinking of taking Further Maths A-level.

In addition to cutting-edge research seminars from our world-famous professors and lecturers, you will see project presentations from current students and even have the opportunity to solve some mathematical problems in our computer labs.

Previous How Maths drives Computing Taster Days have included talks and lectures on how the magnetic resonance images of the heart can be mathematically analysed to predict defects; how Maths and computing combine to allow you to calculate the exact combination of shares in an investment which will give you the best return for lowest risk and how mathematical descriptions of individual animal behaviour lead to complex swarm behaviour in large colonies.

Mathematics lies at the heart of Computing. From artificial intelligence to photo-realistic computer graphics, from biomedical imaging to quantum computing – all are underpinned by mathematical models. Find out how you can use your Maths to solve computing problems…

We look forward to seeing you there!

Feedback from last year's participants:

"The programming session ‘accommodated for all levels of ability"
"Trying new languages was something I used to avoid but I enjoyed it here"
"It’s great that the course at Imperial is very up to date with current research and allows students to do projects with industry"