Third Eye Intelligence
AI powered early warning system for organ failure
Problem: Every year 85 Million patients worldwide are admitted to intensive care units (ICUs) and despite treatment, up to 50% of patients die due to organ failure. The biggest challenge is that organ failure is detected too late. Interventions are therefore delayed and chances of survival decline.
Product: To give these patients a fighting chance, we created Foresight. A cutting-edge AI-powered early warning system for organ failure that creates a digital twin of the patient to predict their future. We deliver this as a SaaS web application, that can be downloaded on any ICU / Hospital computer. Proven to work on the world’s largest ICU data (250K patients), Foresight can predict specific, critical organ failures up to 48 hours earlier than a clinician – with 91% accuracy. Unlocking early intervention, accelerated recovery and relieving system-wide pressure of limited ICU bed capacity
Healthcare / Social Impact:
1. Precision medicine: Foresight monitors patient status in real-time, unlocking personalised , targeted care; improving patient outcomes post-ICU. Currently 35% of patients discharged from ICU die in the general ward.
Early detection of organ failure can reduce deaths by up to 30% for heart-, 47% for lung-, 48% for kidney-, failures and 65% for septic shock.
2. Preemptive care: With predictions up to 72 hours in advance, ICU staff can triage patients by severity, facilitating resource efficiency by decreasing length of stay, investigational / interventional costs and relieving workload.
3. Care Harmonisation, non-biased care: patients admitted to ICU globally, from different demographics and socioeconomic backgrounds may be disadvantaged by ICUs with limited resources / digital maturity. As a unified platform Foresight’s AI overcomes any data biases and can operate in any ICU with unique targeted predictions for each patient.
Samyakh Tukra
PhD in AI and Computer Vision from Imperial College