Google Cloud Platform - An introduction for students
The presentation introduces the Google Cloud Platform to students of computer science and other disciplines. The world-wide Google Cloud infrastructure is introduced as well as the various types and classes of cloud services of the Google Cloud. A brief demonstration of creating and using a global Cloud native database gives an impression of the available abstractions of cloud native service implementations. The attendees will get an overview of the Google Cloud platform as an initial orientation for further exploration and use.
Christoph Bussler
Chris was always fascinated by systems and data integration between on-premise systems, clouds and their combination. As a Solutions Architect at Google Cloud (Google, Inc.) he is focusing on databases, data migration and data integration in enterprise customer settings. Earlier in his career, Chris contributed to Enterprise Application System Integration (EAI), Business-to-Business Integration (B2B) as well as workflow management. In addition to implementing these technologies, he wrote several books on these topics and is publishing actively (see his professional page at http://www.real-programmer.com).