In the first year you were not given any choice about the modules you had to take. However, in the second year you are given a little more freedom to specialise your learning. There are still a significant number of modules that you must take, but this year you are given the ability to choose between a small number of selective modules.

Note that you will need to register your chosen modules during the second term.

Required Modules

You are required to take all of the following modules:

  • COMP50001 Algorithm Design and Analysis  (Autumn Term)  [JMC option]
  • COMP50002 Software Engineering - Design  (Autumn Term)
  • COMP50003 Models of Computation  (Autumn Term)  [JMC option]
  • COMP50004 Operating Systems  (Autumn Term)
  • COMP50005 Networks and Communications  (Spring Term)  [Computing only]
  • COMP50006 Compilers  (Spring Term)  [JMC option]
  • COMP50008 Mathematics 2: Probability and Statistics  (Spring Term)  [Computing only]
  • COMP50007/50012 Computing Practial  (Autumn and Spring Terms) including:
    • COMP50007.1 Laboratory 2
    • COMP50007.2 Introduction to Prolog  (Spring Term week 1)
    • COMP50007.3 Advanced Laboratory 2  [Computing only]
  • COMP50010 2nd Year Computing Group Project  (Summer Term)  [JMC option]  including:
    • COMP50010.2 An Introduction to Law for Computer Scientists

Selective Modules

Computing students are required to take 1 of the following selective modules:

  • COMP50009 Symbolic Reasoning  (Spring Term)
  • COMP50011 Computational Techniques  (Spring Term)  [Computing only]

JMC students have additonal compulsory and optional modules offered by the Mathematics Department and must select 2 Computing and 5 Mathematics choices from their respective "Selective Modules" lists.

You do not need to finalise your module choices until early February. However, you should take care not to attempt an excessive number of modules as you will find that the workload is too high to manage. I would personally recommend that you try to attend the first lecture of each selective module to help you decide which modules to take.

Registering Module Options

You will need to register the modules you will take for credit in early February. This is done online via the department's internal module registration website. The modules you will take for credit need to be selected at Level 3. You are free to have additional modules registered to accept CATe submissions (Level 2), but you are encouraged to concentrate on your actual credit modules.

Note that on this page you can subscribe to a module's e-mail list and Piazza forum by selecting that module at Level 1 or higher.