To complete the MSc, all students must undertake all modules listed under their programme title.  

[H2U3] Soil Mechanics
[H2U4] Soil Mechanics with Engineering Seismology
[H2UN] Soil Mechanics with Environmental Geotechnics
[H2EG] Soil Mechanics with Engineering Geology
Autumn Term
 Compulsory  Compulsory  Compulsory  Compulsory  
 CIVE70022 Seepage and Consolidation  Compulsory  Compulsory  Compulsory  Compulsory  
 CIVE70026 Laboratory Testing and Data Interpretation  Compulsory  Compulsory  Compulsory  Compulsory  
 CIVE70028 Site Investigation and Engineering Geomorphology  Compulsory  Compulsory  Compulsory  Compulsory  
 CIVE70021 Strength and Deformation  Compulsory  Compulsory  Compulsory  Compulsory  
 CIVE70007 Geotechnical Hazards  -   Compulsory  -   -  
 CIVE70024 Hydrogeology and Groundwater  -  -  Compulsory  -  
 CIVE70023 Containment Engineering  -  -  -  Compulsory  
Autumn term syllabus
Summary of the table's contents
Spring Term
 CIVE70036 Geotechnical Infrastructure: Slopes and Embankments  Compulsory  Compulsory  Compulsory  Compulsory
 CIVE70034 Design of Foundations and Retaining Structures  Compulsory  Compulsory  Compulsory  Compulsory
 CIVE70029 Current Developments in Geotechnical Engineering  Compulsory  Compulsory  Compulsory  Compulsory
 CIVE70033 Advanced Soil Mechanics  Compulsory  Compulsory  -   Compulsory
 CIVE70032 Applied Numerical Analysis  Compulsory  Compulsory  -  -
 CIVE70035 Geotechnical Processes and Field Monitoring  Compulsory  -  Compulsory   Compulsory
 CIVE70030 Rock Engineering  Compulsory  -   Compulsory  - 
 CIVE70037 Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering  -   Compulsory  -   - 
 CIVE70031 Contaminated Land and Groundwater  -   -   Compulsory   Compulsory
Spring term syllabus
Summary of the table's contents
Additional Requirements
 CIVE70025 Geotechnics Fieldwork 
 (runs accross the academic year)
 Compulsory  Compulsory  Compulsory  Compulsory
 CIVE70038 Research Project - Geotechnics  Core  Core  Core  Core
Additional requirements
Summary of the table's contents