To complete the MSc all students registered for programmes in the Advanced Structural Engineering Cluster must undertake six modules in both the Autumn and Spring terms, with Core modules being compulsory. Over the Summer term students will commence work on an individual Research / Design Project.  


Autumn Term
 CIVE97094 Reinforced concrete I  Core  Core   Core  -
 CIVE97095 Prestressed Concrete  Core  -  Elective  -
 CIVE97096 Finite Element Analysis  Elective  Core  Elective  Elective
 CIVE97097 Structural Dynamics  Elective  Core  Elective  Elective
 CIVE97102 Steel Components  -  Core  Core  Core
 CIVE97104 Structural Stability  Elective  -  Elective  Core
 CIVE97107 Structural Steel Technology  -  -  -  Core
 CIVE97108 Structural Analysis  Core  Core  Core  Core
 CIVE97111 Geotechnical Hazards  -  Core  -  -
 CIVE97114 Design of Timber and Masonry Structures  Elective  -  Elective  Elective
 CIVE97162 Cementitious Materials  Elective  -  Elective  -
Autumn term syllabus
Summary of the table's contents
Spring Term
 CIVE97093 Concrete Materials  Core  -  Elective  -
 CIVE97098 Reinforced Concrete 2  Core  Elective  Core  -
 CIVE97099 Nonlinear Structural Analysis  Elective  Core  Elective  Elective
 CIVE97100 Seismic Design of Concrete Structures  Elective  Core  -  -
 CIVE97103 Seismic Design of Steel Structures  -  Core  -  Elective
 CIVE97105 Design of Steel Buildings  -  -  Core  Core
 CIVE97106 Plated Structures  -  -  Elective  Elective
 CIVE97109 Design of Bridges  Elective  Elective  Elective  Elective
 CIVE97110 Structural Reliability Theory  Elective  Elective  Elective  Elective
 CIVE97112 Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering  -  Elective  -  -
 CIVE97113 Theory of Shells  Elective  -  Elective  Elective
 CIVE97115 Structural Fire Engineering  Elective  Elective  Elective  Elective
Spring term syllabus
Summary of the table's contents
Summer Term
 CIVE97101 Design Project / Dissertation - Structures  Core  Core  Core  Core
Summer term syllabus
Summary of the table's contents