Research staff (A-Z) by group

 Greta Antonini

Greta Antonini

Project Administrator
Community Water Management for a Liveable London (CAMELLIA)
Landslide EVO
Email Greta
Stanislava Boscovic

Stanislava Boscovic

Research Associate, PhD
Improvement of Public Health and Wellbeing in cities through the systematic implementation of new integrated, nature-based technologies.
Email Stanislava
 Barnaby Dobson

Barnaby Dobson

Research Associate, PhD
Keywords: Water resources modelling; Optimization; Uncertainty and systems analysis; 
Project: Integrated urban water cycle modelling for London (as part of the Camellia project)
Email Barnaby

Vladimir Krivtsov

Research Associate, PhD
Water System Integration group. Interface of geosciences, ecology, and environmental engineering. He is currently involved in the work related to Ventura and Camellia projects, in particular concerning issues of water quality and quantity, SUDS, and Nature-Based solutions in Manchester and London.  
Email Vladimir

Eduardo Rico Carranza

Research Assistant Email Eduardo

Liliane Manny

Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) postdoc mobility fellow
Keywords: water governance, network analysis
Email Liliane
Luigi Mosca

Laure Sione

Research Associate, PhD
Project: Pathways to Equitable Healthy Cities which aims to advance the science that underpins sustainable urban development and healthier lives. Funded by the UK Wellcome Trust
Email Laure
Simon de Stercke

Simon de Stercke

Research Associate, PhD
UnderWRiDE project which studies the effect of hydrometeorological extremes on risks of water-related diseases, in particular leptospirosis.
Email Simon
 Filippo Pecci

Filippo Pecci

Research Associate, PhD
Computational optimisation of dynamically adaptive water supply networks
Email Filippo
Thomas Rowan

Thomas Rowan

Research Associate
Community Water Management for a Liveable London (CAMELLIA); Computational hydraulics; infiltration modelling; unsaturated soil mechanics; Hydraulic Ram Pumps
Email Tom
 Aly Joy Ulusoy

Aly Joy Ulusoy

Research Associate, PhD
Email Aly

Ming-Tsung Wu

Research Associate, PhD
Email Ming
Environment Research Staff A-Z
Environment Academics A-Z

Costanza Rodda

Research Associate, PhD
[D*]stratify. The prediction and control of stratifications.
Email Costanza

Kat Roberts

Research Associate, PhD
Schools' air quality monitoring for health and education
Email Kat

Andrew Smith

Research Associate, PhD
Quantifying oceanic whitecap energy dissipation and bubble-mediated air sea fluxes.
Email Andrew

Samuel Wood

Research Associate, PhD
Developing models to better understand the role that building ventilation plays in the spread of Covid-19
Email Sam
Fluid Mechanics Research Staff A-Z
Fluid Mechanics

Ritesh Kumar

Marie Curie Research Fellow
Development of design guidelines for Offshore Wind Turbines under extreme operational conditions.
Email Ritesh

Ryan Yin Wai Liu

Research Associate, PhD
Email Ryan

Julia (Kika) Moller

Research Assistant
Email Julia
 Tokio Morimoto

Tokio Morimoto

Research Assistant
A DEM analysis of thermal effects on micromechanics of packed granular beds
Email Tokio
Marina Schnaider Bortolotto

Marina Schnaider Bortolotto

Research Assistant
Investigation on the thermal behaviour of granular materials
Email Marina
Geotechnics Research Staff A-Z
Geotechnics Academics A-Z
Materials Research Staff A-Z

Mahmoud Abbaszadeh

Research Associate, PhD
Email Mahmoud

Chuanjie Cui

Research Assistant
Email Chuanjie

Livia Cupertino Malheiros

Research Associate, PhD
Developing new mechanical and electrochemical experimental protocols to better understand corrosion and hydrogen embrittlement. 
Email Livia

Tim Hageman

Research Associate, PhD
Multi-physics simulations to quantify hydrogen ingress in metals. 
Email Tim
 Alalea Kia

Alalea Kia

Royal Academy of Engineering Research Fellow, PhD
Permeable concrete; Concrete pavement design; Durability of cement-based materials; Pore structure; Cementitious materials
Email Alalea

Sasa Kovacevic

Research Associate, PhD
Material degradation challenges at the interface between mechanics and chemistry.
Email Sasa

Sergio Lucarini

Marie Sklodowska-Curie Individual Fellow, PhD
New multi-physics models for predicting corrosion fatigue
Email Sergio

Tushar Mandal

Research Associate, PhD
Developing new phase field-based computational tools for predicting hydrogen assisted failures.
Email Tushar

Andres Montoya Sancha

Sponsored Researcher (Margarita Salas Fellowship), PhD
Address the challenges resulting from the uptake of hydrogen in aviation.
Email Andres

Izhar Shah

Izhar Shah

Research Associate, PhD
Resources sustainability; Low-carbon industries; Economy-environment decoupling; Strategic planning
Email Izhar
 Marcus Yio

Marcus Yio

Research Associate, PhD
Laboratory Manager for the new Centre for Infrastructure Materials (CIM)
Cementitious materials; Concrete durability; Microstructure; Microscopy; Image analysis
Email Marcus
Abobakr Elwakeel

Abobakr Elwakeel

Research Associate, PhD
Understanding the cracking behaviour of reinforced concrete elements subjected to the restraint of imposed strains
Email Abo

Qili Fang

Research Associate, PhD
Email Qili
 Stanyslav Grosman

Stanyslav Grosman

Research Associate, PhD
Nonlinear structural response; Finite element analysis; Robustness assessment; Meta modelling techniques; Masonry structures; Parametric design
Email Stanyslav

Cheng Huang

Research Associate, PhD
Email Cheng
Pinelopi Kyvelou

Pinelopi Kyvelou

Research Associate, PhD
Cold-formed steel structures
Email Pinelopi
 Anton Köllner

Anton Köllner

Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellow, Dr.-Ing.
Project: Material damage and buckling instability: towards a unifying general theory (DamBuckler)
Applied Mechanics, Stability Theory, Material Damage, Composite Structures (FRPs)
Email Anton
 Xin Meng

Xin Meng

Research Associate, PhD
Email Xin

Alexandra Renouard

Research Associate, PhD
Email Alexandra
 Fiona Walport

Fiona Walport

Imperial Research Fellowship (ICRF), PhD
The design and analysis of steel and stainless steel structures by advanced inelastic analysis
Send email

Ruizhi Zhang

Research Associate, PhD 
Testing, simulation and optimisation of additively manufactured steel structures; Resilience of steel framed structures
Email Ruizhi
Structures Research Staff A-Z
Structures Academics A-Z
 Leo Hsu

Leo Hsu

Logistics for modularised building systems
Email Leo
Jeni Giambona

Jeni Giambona

Research and Engagement Manager
Email Jeni

Liliane Manny

Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) postdoc mobility fellow
Keywords: water governance, network analysis
Email Liliane
Luigi Mosca

Luigi Mosca 

Transforming construction network plus
Email Luigi
Systems Research Staff A-Z

Nadine Alam

Research Analyst, (TSC)
Email Nadine
Mamon Alghananim

Mamon Alghananim

Research Assistant, Part-time
Autonomous navigation using GNSS and multi sensor integration 
Email Mamon
 Richard Anderson

Richard Anderson

Director of Railway and Transport Strategy Centre (TSC)
Metro operations; Railway engineering; Public transport strategy and planning; Benchmarking and performance; Transport planning; Transport economics; Public transport regulation; Management of international research projects.
Email Richard
 Barron Alexander

Alexander Barron

Associate Director, Head of Metro Benchmarking (TSC)
Public transport benchmarking; Public transport operations; Public transport planning; Bus benchmarking; Metro benchmarking; Suburban rail benchmarking; Urban transport reliability; Benchmarking project management.
Email Alexander
Mike Benson

Mike Benson

Research Associate
Railway and bus benchmarking projects.
Email Mike

Pelin Boyacioglu

Research Associate, PhD
Benchmarking of rail systems particularly in metros around the world; analysis of the operating, inspection and maintenance practices with in-depth focus on asset management.
Email Pelin
 Fatih Canitez

Fatih Canitez

Research Associate (TSC)
Public transport systems; performance management and measurement in public transport systems; urban transport policies; electric bus operations; contracting and governance models in public bus industry.
Email Fatih
 Benjamin Condry

Benjamin Condry

Associate Director, Head of Railway Benchmarking (TSC)
Public transport; Railways; Metros; Buses; Benchmarking; Transport economics and management; Transport operations; Transport policy and regulation; Transport planning; Demand forecasting; Reliability.
Email Benjamin
Oscar Criado Domenech

Oscar Criado Domenech

Senior Research Associate (TSC)
Asset management; airport benchmarking. 
Email Oscar
 Flavia de Simone

Flavia de Simone

Research Analyst (TSC)
Monitoring and management of transport systems; road safety; urban freight transport; transportation modelling and simulation
Email Flavia
 Jose Escribano Macias

Jose Escribano Macias

Research Associate, PhD
Email Jose
 Ahmadreza Faghih Imani

Ahmadreza Faghih Imani

Research Associate
Travel behaviour and demand modeling, Active transportation, Integrated land-use/transport modeling, Urban energy systems​
Email Ahmadreza
 Nicholas Findlay

Nicholas Findlay 

Performance Analytics Manager/Senior Research Associate (TSC)
Technical lead for big data analytics and metrics development
Email Nicholas
Colin Foley

Colin Foley

Senior Research Associate (TSC)
Large-scale transportation improvement programs; Environmental Review for large-scale transportation projects, Alternatives analyses studies; Operational analyses of bus, rail and road projects.
Email Colin
Daniel Horcher

Daniel Horcher

Research Associate, PhD
The economics of public transport supply; statistical analysis of large-scale automated transport data 
Email Daniel

Ben Howard

Research Assistant
Email Ben
Sally Kao

Sally Kao

Research Associate (TSC)
Metro operation and benchmarking projects
Email Sally

Liang Ma

Research Associate, PhD
Causal impacts of transport interventions on air quality and public health; causal inference; data centric engineering
Email Liang
 Lindsey Morse

Lindsey Morse

Research Associate, Benchmarking Manager (TSC)
Public transport benchmarking and best practices; public transport planning; buses.
Email Lindsey
 Deborah Mundy

Deborah Mundy

Research Associate (TSC)
International benchmarking (metros, suburban railways, buses); Public transport performance analysis and benchmarking; Transport planning; Urban planning.
Email Deborah
Carmen Oleksinski

Carmen Oleksinski 

Research Associate (TSC)
Benchmarking of transit systems around the world, particularly in the areas of Key Performance Indicators, station design, and customer satisfaction.
Email Carmen
 Tim Powell

Tim Powell

Research Associate (TSC)
Public transport benchmarking projects
Email Tim

Henry Reynolds

Research Analyst - Public Transport
Email Henry
John Sing-Key

John Sing-Key

Research Analyst (TSC)
Email John
 Ramandeep Singh

Ramandeep Singh

Research Associate (TSC)
Big data analytics for transit systems, journey time performance of metros, transit network asset condition monitoring
Email Ramandeep
 Mark Trompet

Mark Trompet

Associate Director, Head of Bus and Light Rail Benchmarking (TSC)
Bus benchmarking program manager (International Bus Benchmarking Group and the American Bus Benchmarking Group; Performance benchmarking methodology; International project management; Urban bus operations; Service regularity; Public transport economics; Public transport regulation and policy.
Email Mark
Priya Wells

Priya Wells

Research Associate
Factors that influence metro success through detailed case studies of 11 major international metro operators.
Email Priya
Haobo Yang

Haobo Yang

Research Analyst, (TSC)
Email Haobo
Transport Research Staff A-Z
Transport Academics A-Z