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Many of our academics offer consultancy and expert witness services to Industry and Government, putting their expert knowledge into practice to address engineering problems all over the world. Our staff are highly experienced in fieldwork, numerical methods and laboratory work; and have expertise in bridges, water supply, transport planning, foundations, dams and several other areas.
See the full list of all academic staff and their research interests
Contacting consultants
Imperial Consultants (the College’s knowledge expertise company) are available to help you find the right consultant for your project. If you are looking for an expert or have a consultancy query, please email Imperial Consultants or call on +44 (0) 20 7594 6565.
Hire our facilities
Each research section has a dedicated research laboratory. Our laboratories provide state-of-the-art facilities and are amongst the most up-to-date and best equipped in Europe. Our departmental facilities are available for testing and analysis, evaluation and developmental work.
- Environmental Laboratory [Particle analysis and microbiological facilities; gas and liquid chromatography; elemental analysis techniques; surface analysis; liquid chemistry techniques; furnaces]
- Hydrodynamics Laboratory [Wave basin; towing tank / large wave flume; wind-wave-current flume; shallow water coastal flumes; ahlborn tanks; flow visualisation tanks]
- Geotechnics Laboratory [Hollow cylinder apparatus; triaxial stress path apparatus; ring shear and shear box apparatus; microscopy room; advanced strain and pressure instrumentation]
- Infrastructure Materials Lab [Imaging; Chemical characterisation; Surface characterisation; Particles and porosity; Materials processing; Physical testing; X-ray analysis; Vibrational spectroscopy; Durability]
- Structures Laboratory [Controlled-rate uniaxial load testing; bi-axial testing of material and structural specimens; impact and rapid hydraulic systems; cylindrical triaxial testing; cyclic/fatigue testing; material creep testing; fixing technology; simulated/accelerated environmental exposure; concrete durability testing]
- Intelligent Transport Laboratory [Sensing and infrastructure control applications]
Research Areas
The Department is comprised of 6 research sections. We also participate in a number of Centres for Doctoral Training (CDT), which offer additional studentships and scholarships.