Where to get support

There are a range of people in the department who you can turn to for personal and academic support, including:

  • your Personal Tutor 
  • Departmental Senior Tutor (Dr Andreas Kogelbauer for undergraduate students, for postgraduates Susi Underwood, Postgraduate Tutor, is the first point of contact for wellbeing queries and Professor Serafim Kalliadasis is the Senior Postgraduate Tutor
  • Course administrators 

Student Wellbeing Adviser

The departmental Student Wellbeing Adviser, Eghosa Atti, can provide confidential support and advice on a variety of issues such as accommodation, finance, mental health and general wellbeing tips.

Contact Eghosa:
  • ACEX Building, ACEX 218 
  • Email 
  • Phone: +44(0) 207 7594 5589.

She has a range of wellbeing resources available for students and will be running events throughout the year – keep an eye on your emails for further information on these.

She is also the Departmental Disability Officer so will be your first point of contact if you need further support in this area.

Students with disabilities

Both the Senior Tutor/Director of Course Operations, Andreas Kogelbauer, and Student Wellbeing Adviser, Eghosa Atti, are involved in provisions for students with learning and/or physical disabilities.

The Teaching Support Officer liaises with the College Disability Advisory Service in advance of examinations to make sure that the most appropriate arrangements are in place. You should contact them to discuss your specific situation. 

The College Disability Advisory Service also provides confidential advice and support for all disabled students, and can assist students in the following ways:

  • signposting additional support within the College
  • accessing funding for disability-related support
  • facilitating support to ensure that disabled students can access all aspects of their course
  • providing advice, support and guidance for all disabled students within the College.

Visit the Disability Advisory Service 'What we do' webpage for further information and details on how to make an appointment with a Disability Advisor.

Outside the department you can contact:

  • Imperial College Union academic representatives who are elected each year from amongst the student body and are responsible for collecting feedback about all aspects of your academic experience, which is then fed back to staff. 
  • A range of support services available to students; see the Student Support Zone for detailed information on these.