PhD programme in Chemical Engineering

The PhD in Chemical Engineering is a three to four-year research degree which may be undertaken in one of the Department's research themesacademic research groups and/or research centres and institutes.


PhD programme information

In order to be considered for a PhD in our Department, you will need to submit an online application form.

Your application form must include:

  • Full transcripts of your university studies to date. Find out more about Imperial College London's Postgraduate admissions requirements. 
  • A personal statement to support your application, which should outline your research interest and experience (Please note: you do not need to submit a research proposal for a PhD in Chemical Engineering. Where the system instigates a research proposal, please submit a personal statement instead)
  • Details of your English language qualification if applicable. Find out more about Imperial College London's language requirements. Please note that where there are two levels we require the higher level.
  • The contact details of two referees, at least one of whom must be an academic referee, for example your project supervisor or personal tutor. You will be asked to give the e-mail addresses of the referees, which will trigger reference requests directly to the referees. Please do not upload reference letters as the references must come directly from the referees. References are confidential between the referee and the College. Please note that the e-mail addresses must be personal institutional addresses (university or company e-mail addresses) rather than webmail addresses, as these are not acceptable.

Chemical Engineering PhD Scholarships and DTP Studentships

Unless you state specifically in your application that you have already secured funding and do not wish to be considered for any of the College scholarships, you will automatically be considered for the Chemical Engineering PhD Scholarships and any other College-administered scholarships for which you may be eligible.

In addition, there is a limited number of EPSRC-funded Doctoral Training Partnerships (DTPs) available. These are allocated during the selection process for the Chemical Engineering PhD Scholarships to suitable candidates who fulfil the eligibility criteria set out by EPSRC. Most of these are expected to be allocated in the April round each year.

Funding offered by Academics

Some funding is project specific and therefore linked to specific supervisors. These are usually advertised on our opportunities or FindAPhD. You do not need to submit several applications in order to be considered for various projects. If appropriate, you may want to submit a revised personal statement. Once you have submitted an online application, you can be considered for any suitable projects, providing you meet our entry requirements.

Unsuccessful applications for PhD Scholarships can be made available to potential supervisors, in case anyone has suitable funding. Please note that not all these opportunities are advertised, as sometimes suitable candidates can be identified from the pool of existing candidates.

The Department adopts an interdisciplinary approach to research, with interests ranging from fundamentals to practical applications.  The research activities of the Department fall into at least one of the following nine research themes:

  • Biomedical engineering and industrial biotechnology
  • Energy and environmental engineering
  • Materials
  • Multiphase transport processes
  • Multi-scale computational chemical engineering
  • Multi-scale thermodynamics and molecular systems
  • Reaction engineering and applied catalysis
  • Separations
  • Soft matter engineering

Find out more on the research themes page.

Further information


The teaching and research laboratories are exceptionally well equipped and fully backed by comprehensive technical services. First-class computing facilities are provided.

Employment prospects

Our graduates quickly go on to jobs including industry, academic and related, consulting, finance, software and many other sectors.


Each PhD student has both a supervisor and an cohort mentor of the academic staff. In addition, each PhD student is allocated an assessor who will carefully monitor the progress at various stages during the PhD.