A second review of a student’s PhD research ability must be undertaken between 18 and 21 months (between 30 and 36 months for part-time students) after the date of initial registration.  MD(Res) students who submit an exam entry between months 18 and 24 may be exempt from this requirement.

In Bioengineering, the purpose of the LSR is to confirm that the student has:

  • A realistic research plan and schedule for completion within the registration period
  • An in-depth understanding of the research topic
  • The ability to communicate their research
  • The capacity to make contributions to their research field
  • A critical awareness of the relevant literature on the subject

Further information about the Late Stage Review

You will be required to present a poster detailing your achievements and a research plan, and give a brief oral presentation.  

The poster presentation may take place on a dedicated day in the Department.  Each poster and the complementary oral presentation will be evaluated by at least two members of academic staff who are not involved in the supervision of the student, with one exceptional poster being put forward to the Graduate School Research Symposium’s poster competition.

Please note that minor changes may be made to the LSR in response to student and staff feedback on the process.

Possible outcome of the Late Stage Review are the same as those for the ESA, however any resubmission at this stage should be completed within 3 months.
1)    Pass (continuation of PhD registration)
2)    Resubmission/re-assessment within 2 months
3)    Transfer registration to MPhil status
4)    Failure (withdrawal from College)

Please ensure you have completed a minimum of 4 courses run by the Graduate School's Professional Development programme plus the compulsory Plagiarism Awareness course. If in doubt, you can now check details of course completion within your MyImperial student record (however, please note there are occasionally discrepancies due to system issues). 

Complete Section A of your milestone form including full details of the courses above. Log in to the Milestones system here: https://admin.bg.ic.ac.uk/PhD/ (Student View). You will be able to view feedback from your assessors and supervisor as soon as they input it into their respective sections, which they must complete by two weeks after the poster session.

All LSR's must be completed within 24 months, from the date of your initial registration. The Student Office will contact you with deadline reminders and further information about your assessments at the appropriate time. 

You can also find additional information and guidance on the ESA/LSR on the Registry website.