Study rooms
There are a number of areas where students can study as detailed below. Whatever space you use please ensure you follow the instructions on any signage which may be posted inside or outside the rooms.
College Space
College has a 'one-stop shop' room booking website which has been created that signposts staff and students to all the information you'll need to find and book suitable rooms across College for their activities, such as meetings, workshops or training.
Library Space
Students at Imperial have access with your College ID card to all seven Imperial College Libraries which can be found across a number of campuses where you can study and book study/meeting rooms if required (full details on library facilities at all campuses can be found here).
- the Central Library at South Kensington
- medical libraries at Charing Cross, Chelsea and Westminster, Hammersmith, Royal Brompton and St Mary's hospitals
- Silwood Park Campus Library
Common Room
There is an Aeronautics Undergraduate Common Room (CAGB 205) which students can also study in but note this is not its primary function and there may be noise.
BOSS Space
Two dedicated shared study spaces for students of Aeronautics, Civil and Mechanical Engineering Departments (collectively known as SEQ for timetabling purposes) are listed below, however please note these will not be particulary quiet areas.
City and Guilds Building - Level 2 Breakout Space (BOSS)
Skempton Building - Level 2 Breakout Space (BOSS)
Also in the CAGB BOSS space there are two small meeting rooms which can be booked out by Aero, Civil and Mechanical Engineering students only. This allows students to manage this space themselves via outlook calendar. Bookings can either be done via your outlook calendar on a PC or online via Office365.
Department/SEQ Teaching Rooms
These rooms cannot be booked for individual students or groups to use but you can view room availability via the CELCAT Calender link so you know when free to study in (select room from drop-down box, type room number in the free text box which appears i.e. CAGB 200 and then navigate to date). For all teaching spaces you are not permitted to use the room if a teaching event is taking place and must vacate as soon as the event starts.
There are a number of shared teaching spaces in City and Guilds (CAGB) and Skempton (SKEM) Buildings which Aeronautics students can study in (shared with Civil and Mech Eng students also) when not been used for teaching or other events and these are listed below. Full details on how to find and the resources in these rooms can be found on the Faculty's Teaching Spaces website or by clicking on the relevant room number below. Please note you will see on the Teaching Spaces website a number of rooms not listed below and if you do not have swipe access to these spaces then do not enter i.e. no tailgating others but if you do have access then you can use if free.
CAGB Rooms
Lecture/Seminar: 200; 300; 309; 640; 649; 650; 651; 652; 664; 747; 748; 749; 750; 751; 752
Computer: 203; 761; 762
SKEM Rooms
Lecture/Seminar: 060abc (set-up as one room); 062; 064ab (set-up as one room); 163; 164; 165; 201; 207; 315
Computer: 208; 317
Computer Rooms (running simulations)
All of the SEQ computer rooms are shared teaching spaces with all College Departments (not just SEQ). Therefore students are not permitted to run simulations within the working week Mon-Fri 9-6pm (includes Wednesday afternoons) in these spaces without first checking room availability via the CELCAT Calender link. Obviously if the room is free for the remainder of the day you can run but if it is a complex simulation and there is a possibility it may not finish by 9am the next morning then you cannot run. Computers found running simulations which are needed during the teaching will be rebooted and you will lose your work.
Study Space Rules
- Follow the instructions on any signage which may be posted either outside or inside the room.
- Do not move the furniture in any of the teaching rooms and if you do then you must put back exactly as you found as is set up for teaching. If students consistently move furniture and not put back then access to all students will be removed from rooms outside of teaching hours. In addition for rooms such as SKEM 060abc and SKEM 064ab they are set up as large rooms and partitions are NOT to be set up by students.
- Students regardless of what study area you are in are asked to work quietly and be considerate of others at all times. If you are asked to be quite then do so.
- All rooms you use should be kept clean and tidy and all students must dispose of any rubbish in the bins provided and if any spillages ensure you clear up.
- Students cannot book rooms to study in either within or outside the teaching day and if you are asked by a member of staff to leave any rooms then please do so.
- At certain times of year, computer availability is limited and every effort is made to maximise availability of computers for students working on coursework. When a computer room has a timetabled activity taking place, at the sole discretion of the lecturer in charge, other students may work quietly in seats designated by the lecturer. Where an exam or test is in progress, under no circumstances may students who are not undertaking the assessment be in the room.
- If charging phones or laptops, please ensure your cables do not form a trip hazard for others.
- You must check and adhere to the maximum capacity of a room. Where local safety guidance is advertised, you must comply with that guidance before entering the room