Department/SEQ Space
We do not assist any clubs or socities with room bookings except AeroSoc, Women in Aeronautics and IC Rocketry as outlined below.  All other clubs/societies have to book their events outside of the teaching day and these must be booked via Imperial College Union.  

AeroSoc, Women in Aeronautics and IC Rocketry
Due to restrictions on teaching rooms we cannot book rooms for any events within the teaching day (Mon,Tue,Thu,Fri 9-6pm; Wed 9-1pm) except for the AeroSoc bookings on Tuesdays outlined below which are part of the timetable build for UG Students.  (Women in Aeronautics/IC Rocketry contact AeroSoc directly if you wish to hold an event in their Tuesday slot as may not use every week).

AeroSoc have Careers slots (not exclusive as shared with Department for wellbeing/community events) on Tuesdays 12-1 (CAGB 300) and 1-2 (CAGB 309) in the Autumn and Spring terms; except during Aero examination weeks.  For times outside of the teaching day excluding Wednesday afternoons as stated below you must book via the Imperial College Union.

For Women in Aeronautics you will need to liaise with AeroSoc to see if you can use any of their dedicated Tuesday slots if they are not using.  For times outside of the teaching day excluding Wednesday afternoons as stated below you must book via the Imperial College Union.

For IC Rocketry as you are not a registered society with the Student Union and cannot book rooms via them we will assist with your room bookings (only outside the teaching day).  From 2023-24 as part of our timetable build before the academic year we will secure rooms (CAGB 664, CAGB 747-748, 749-752) for your Tuesday 6-8pm and Saturday 10-30-1.30pm events with the Imperial Events team before the start of the academic year.  Please note that in the College exam weeks (first two weeks of January, first six weeks of Spring term) we are unable to book any flat rooms for your events.  You can also liaise with AeroSoc to see if you can use any of their dedicated Tuesday slots if they are not using.

For bookings on Wednesday afternoons please submit your request to the UG Office giving at least one week's notice with details of your event and room (you must in the first instance check room availability via CELCAT Calendar, you can find guidance on how to use this calendar on the Central Timetabling Support Office website as we do not source rooms for you). You can view all SEQ teaching spaces room resources (e.g. capacity, room types) on the Faculty website to assist you when booking rooms.

Food and drink cannot be brought into any lecture theatres or computer rooms.  Other flat teaching spaces also have restrictions on food and drink so CAGB 309 has been booked for social events following the AeroSoc talks on Tuesdays.  Please note that the room must be set back into teaching layout (teaching layout signage on walls in room) with all rubbish disposed of, fail to comply and we will be unable to honour or make bookings for future events.  (For ordering of College catering or organisation of any other student social event please refer to Imperial Events webpage).

Event slots are 50-minute sessions starting on the hour so all events must finish at 10 minutes to the hour, all attendees to leave the room promptly with minimum disruption to the incoming group.  Failure to leave the room on time may result in complaints from other users, fail to comply and we will be unable to honour or make bookings for future events.

Meeting rooms

  1. Departmental meeting rooms are not available to students to book, these are for staff use only.
  2. In the CAGB BOSS space there are two small meeting rooms which can be booked out by Aero, Civil and Mechanical Engineering students only. This allows students to manage this space themselves via outlook calendar. Bookings can either be done via your outlook calendar on a PC or online via Office365.

Study Space

Study space is not booked out for students but you can look up and see if a room is free via CELCAT Calendar for you to study in ensuring you follow any capacity requirements or any other instructions which may be posted in the room, please refer to the Study Rooms page for full details.

College Space

College has a 'one-stop shop' room booking website which has been created that signposts staff and students to all the information you'll need to find and book suitable rooms across College for their activities, such as meetings, workshops or training.