All students in the Department initially register for the H401 MEng in Aeronautical Engineering. Under certain conditions they can transfer to our H420 MEng with a Year in Industry, our H410 MEng with a Year Abroad (4Y) and H411 MEng with a Year Abroad (5Y) or our H415 MEng Aeronautics Spacecraft Engineering programme.  Please note we do not run dual degree programmes so if for example you join the spacecraft engineering programme you cannot then spend your fourth year in industry or abroad.

The transfer programs are designed to enrich your educational experience, but not all students may benefit equally from a year outside campus and some may even find it challenging. This is why transfer application forms must include a personal statement in which you are expected to think about how you would benefit from the experience.

Important notes

  1. Students who fail to meet our academic requirements will NOT be permitted to change programmes, no exceptions and such students will remain on the H401 programme.  Transfers are made following the exam board and after results have been released to students.  Please note the Department is not liable for any costs incurred for any arrangements you have made for your Year Abroad or Year in Industry prior to release of results if you fail to meet the academic criteria.
  2. Fees apply for the Year in Industry and the Year Abroad programmes and full details can be found on the Student Finance website.
  3. Students who spend a year abroad or in industry need to be aware that you may miss out on options which run on alternate years.
  4. Please note we do not permit students to do a Year Abroad AND a Year in Industry.  In addition students who select the Spacecraft Engineering programme cannot then apply/transfer to the Year in Industry or Year Abroad programmes.
  5. There may be visa implications for any international students on Tier 4 visas wishing to transfer programmes. You can find full details on the International Student Support website and please do contact them directly if you have any further queries. The Department cannot assist you with this and onus is on students to deal with.

Please see links below for full information on the transfer process for relevant programme.

H420 MEng with a Year in IndustryH410 or H411 MEng with a Year Abroad
H415 MEng Aeronautics with Spacecraft Engineering