Module descriptors
The module descriptors for our undergraduate courses can be found below:
- Four year Aeronautical Engineering degree (H401)
- Four year Aeronautical Engineering with a Year Abroad stream (H410)
Students on our H420 programme follow the same programme as the H401 spending fourth year in industry.
The descriptors for all programmes are the same (including H411).
Entrepreneurship Online
Module aims
Module Outline:
Reading list
Session 01
The startup owner's manual: the step-by-step guide for building a great company
1st edition, Wiley
UN Sustainable Development Goals - Take Action for the Sustainable Development Goals
United Nations
Global Development Hub
Boosting global crop yields to end hunger
Customer Discovery In the Time Of the Covid-19 Virus
Customer Discovery In the Time Of the Covid-19 Virus
Why the lean start-up changes everything
Harvard business review Harvard Business School Press
Session 02
Iridium Satellite Communications System (B)
The discipline of innovation
Harvard business review Harvard Business Review
The sources of innovation
Oxford University Press
Session 03
The startup owner's manual: the step-by-step guide for building a great company
1st edition, Wiley
The startup owner's manual: the step-by-step guide for building a great company
1st edition, Wiley
The lean startup : how constant innovation creates radically successful businesses
Penguin Business
Where to play : 3 steps for discovering your most valuable market opportunities
Business model generation a handbook for visionaries, game changers, and challengers
John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
The Lean Canvas Diagnostic: Part 1 of 7 - Backstory
Session 04
Session 05
The startup owner's manual: the step-by-step guide for building a great company
1st edition, Wiley
The startup owner's manual: the step-by-step guide for building a great company
1st edition, Wiley
Know Your Customers' "Jobs to Be Done"
Harvard business review Harvard Business Review
Customer Jobs: Trigger questions
Session 06
The startup owner's manual: the step-by-step guide for building a great company
1st edition, Wiley
Pretotype It: Make sure you are building the right it before you build it right
Second Pretotype Edition,
Rapid Prototyping Strategies. Academic Entrepreneurship for Medical and Health Scientists
Academic Entrepreneurship for Medical and Health Sciences
Session 07
The startup owner's manual: the step-by-step guide for building a great company
1st edition, Wiley
The startup owner's manual: the step-by-step guide for building a great company
1st edition, Wiley
Experimentation works : the surprising power of business experiments
Harvard Business Review Press
Session 08
Entrepreneurial Strategy: How to Formulate and Execute an Entrepreneurial Strategy and Gain a Competitive Advantage
The startup owner's manual: the step-by-step guide for building a great company
1st edition, Wiley
Session 09
Chapter 1: Accelerators: characteristics, trends and the new entrepreneurial ecosystem
The unicorn's shadow : combating the dangerous myths that hold back startups, founders, and investors
Wharton School Press
Session 10
The unicorn's shadow : combating the dangerous myths that hold back startups, founders, and investors
Wharton School Press