Start of Academic Year

Please be aware that all students (applies also to any students repeating the year in-attendance) are expected to attend all departmental activities, including lectures and tutorials from their first day of term as instructed.  Where there are exceptional circumstances beyond a student’s control (documents will be required to support such instances), a student may be accepted if they begin to attend within two weeks of the start of teaching (the Senior Tutor will make this decision). Thereafter, an appeal process will be put in place where student's will have to make a very strong case as to why they should be permitted to return to continue their degree.  Students who do not return to take up their place by the 31st October will be automatically withdrawn.

Students must inform the Undergraduate Office ( and the Senior Tutor ( prior to their first day if they cannot make it clearly stating the reason why and when they will start their studies (please ensure you include your CID and year of study in your email).

General Attendance and Absence

Our term dates are clearly stated on both our current students website and Registry's website.  Students are required to attend all timetabled events within term start and end dates.  You must inform your Senior Tutor if you are absent from College for more than three days during term. If the absence is due to illness you must produce a medical certificate after seven days.  

If you miss an examination through illness or other unforeseeable and unavoidable circumstance you need to contact your Senior Tutor prior to the start of your exam and provide a medical certificate and submit a mitigation application within 10 days of your last exam in that session.  All applications to be submitted via the Mitigation page on your Sharepoint Student Portal, email applications are not accepted.

If you miss a coursework submission through illness or other unforeseeable and unavoidable circumstance then in the first instance you need to submit a coursework extension application via the Coursework Extension page on your Sharepoint Student Portal prior to the submission deadline.

Mitigation or coursework extension claims without evidence will normally be rejected.  Please also refer to the College's Mitigation Circumstances Policy and Procedure.

The Registry will be informed of all student non-attendances as the College is obliged to report the non-attendance of students on Tier 4/Student Route visas to the Home Office.

Please note that:

  • attendance at all timetabled events is compulsory and will be monitored.
  • students who repeatedly fail to attend will be asked to withdraw from the course.
  • all students are expected to arrive on time for events.  We had a number of complaints in the past from both students and staff regarding students arriving late for timetabled events.  This is not acceptable as is disruptive to both the lecturer and students already present.  Students should be in the room before the lecture commences. Persistent late arrivals will be reported to both personal tutors and senior tutors as well as going on your record.