Additional examination arrangements
As per the information in your Student Handbook, the College has a procedure in place for students to apply for additional examination arrangements due to physical, learning or other disabilities. Please note that any arrangements you may have been granted at your former educational establishments will not apply here as we have our own assessment criteria and forms to be completed.
All students applying for additional examination arrangements must contact the Disability Advisory Service for assessment. They are extremely busy so you are urged to make contact with them as soon as possible to arrange an appointment in order for any arrangements to be in place for your exams as per the Department/Registry deadlines stated below.
For information on the College Procedure for the Consideration of Additional Examinations Arrangements in Respect of Disability please refer to the exam arrangements and re-sits information.
Please be aware that we cannot guarantee additional exam arrangments can be accommodated if we are informed at short notice. Therefore you need to factor this in to your decision if you decide to go skiiing, snowboarding, play contact sports all of which significantly increases the chances of you breaking a limb etc.
If anything is unclear and you wish to speak to someone then please email the Undergraduate Office to arrange a meeting with Jackie O'Neill the UG Office Manager or you can arrange a meeting to discuss with the Departmental Disability Officer Dr Siti Ros Shamsuddin.
Applications Process for Undergraduate Students
1. Email the Undergraduate Office or Dr Siti Ros Shamsuddin by 5pm on Friday 28th October 2022 stating you have already contacted the Disability Advisory Service and hope to apply for additional examination arrangements for your January exams and the deadline for notifying us for your Summer term exams is 5pm on Friday 3rd March 2023 (clearly state your name, year and CID in you emails and also let us know any Disability Advisory Service appointment dates).
2. Please ensure you read/follow any instructions given below to avoid any delays in the process and may result in no arrangements being in place for your examinations.
- As stated above all students applying for additional examination arrangements must contact the for assessment. They may require to meet with you a number of times so please contact them as early as possible and respond promptly to any requests for information they send you.
- Once they have completed their assessment and they are satisfied you qualify for additional examinations arrangements they will send to the Department a 'Suggested Reasonable Adjustments Document' (SRAD) which we will then be reviewed by Dr Buxton before we submit an additional examinations arrangements application on your behalf to the Assessment Team in Registry.
- As soon as the Assessment Team have responded we will inform you directly of the approved arrangements. This can take anything from a few days to a few weeks so please be patient but you will be informed as soon as we are.
3. In order for arrangements to be in place for your January examinations the Department will have to have received the SRAD from the by 5pm on Friday 25th November 2022 and for your Summer examinations by 5pm on Friday 24th March 2023. If these deadlines are not meet then we are unable to accommodate any additional examinations for the relevant exam session. Such students can however apply for mitigation once they have received the SRAD but do discuss with your Senior Tutor if you are not going to meet the mitigation deadline following the examination sessions.
Once your permanent application has been approved please note that this will remain in place for the duration of your studies unless you advise us otherwise. Each October you will be contacted by the UG Office to confirm if your condition is unchanged and if you require the same additional examination arrangements for the current year. Response is mandatory as we have to report this data to Registry as well as making the arrangements for your exams.