Links with industry
The Postgraduate programmes in the Department of Aeronautics are always looking to establish new links with industry and further develop existing ones. If you would like to discuss new opportunities in relation to the Postgraduate programmes in the Department please contact the relevant Programme Director as below:
Professor Sergei Chernyshenko
Director of Postgraduate Studies
Telephone: +44 020 7594 5548
Professor Spencer Sherwin
Head of Aeronautics Department
Telephone: +44 020 7594 5073
To find out more about other academic staff involved with the programmes please visit the Staff Profile pages:
- MSc in Advanced Computational Methods for Aeronautics staff profiles
Individual Research Projects and Literature Review
Students in both MSc programmes must complete a Major Individual Research Project of just over 4 months duration. Many projects have significant industry support and may be wholly or partly undertaken in industry, as appropriate. For further information about how industry and companies can submit proposals for research projects and literature reviews to be undertaken by the department’s MSc students please see the Individual Research Projects page.
All students in the Department of Aeronautics are members of AeroSoc. For more information about AeroSoc or how your company or organisation can provide Career Talks or visits for current students please visit the AeroSoc webpage.
Fractography and Failure Analysis Short Course
The Department offers a Fractography and failure analysis short course to external parties from industry. For further information, or to register your interest, please visit the webpage.