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About the Future Energy Festival 

Every two years, Energy Futures Lab hosts a public showcase of energy research at Imperial College London. The 2021 Future Energy Festival will include online talks, panel discussions and a keynote lecture by Professor Tim Green, Co-Director of Energy Futures Lab. The festival is open to all.

Download the festival programme here for full details and links to our online sessions.

What's on:

Wednesday, 24th November 2021

10:00: Tackling industrial emissions: Industry is among the most difficult and expensive sectors to decarbonise. Meet the Imperial researchers who are finding solutions to reduce its carbon footprint. Join the live event.

11:00: Where next for nuclear? Join our panel of nuclear energy experts as they discuss how nuclear technology is evolving to meet the needs of energy systems dominated by renewables. Join the live event.

12:00: Lunchtime lightning talks: Energy researchers from across Imperial College London share their work in a series of lightning talks. Join the event.

14:00: Designing future energy systems: Achieving Net Zero requires us to rethink how our energy systems work. In this session, we meet the Imperial researchers designing the energy systems of tomorrow. Join the live event.

15:00: Future Energy Festival Keynote Address: Energy Futures Lab Co-Director Professor Tim Green reflects on the changing energy research landscape over the past eight years and looks ahead to the challenges and opportunities of the future. Join the live event.

Thursday, 25th November

11:00: Developments in energy storage: Our growing reliance on renewable energy brings with it the need for new forms of energy storage. Meet the Imperial researchers pushing the boundaries to develop new storage technologies. Join the live event.

12:00: The power of sustainable fuels: Join experts from across Imperial for a panel discussion on the critical role of sustainable fuels in the energy transition and the science that’s making them a reality. Join the live event.

13:00: Lunchtime lightning talks: Energy researchers from across Imperial College London share their work in a series of lightning talks. Join the event.

14:00: Positive action to build an inclusive environment: How can we make the energy sector more equal, diverse and inclusive? Join in our discussion with a panel of energy sector guests. Join the live event.

15:00 Next-generation wind power: Our panel of Imperial experts explore the challenges and opportunities presented by floating offshore wind power and next-generation wind technologies. Join the live event.