There are many training opportunities across the college available to staff. Take a look at how you can get involved below.

If your department is running a training event or programme that you think should be included here, contact us.

Staff training opportunities

People and Organisational Development run development opportunities that focus on core skills for professional development including communication, career development, and wellbeing, all to support staff effectiveness at Imperial.

  • Science Communication: Reaching a Wider Audience – This workshop will prepare you to talk about your work with scientists outside your specialism, media professionals, and members of the public. Through a hands-on activity with professional audio equipment, you will have the opportunity to explore some new skills by participating in the recording and editing of a short radio feature.
  • Great Presentations for Great Results - In this course you will consider how to communicate research findings or outcomes in a fascinating and exciting way.  You will have an opportunity to put into practice all that you learn in the course and then receive feedback on your presentation.
  • Personal Pitching: Selling Your Research and Expertise - Using your research as a starting point, here you will hone a series of short pitches (oral, written, virtual communication methods) with the aim of getting people to the stage of wanting to know more about you and your work.
  • One to One Voice Coaching Sessions - Would you like to learn exercises that will reduce vocal strain, improve vocal range, variety, clarity and pronunciation and gain and hold the attention of an audience? Would you like to make a positive initial impact and keep control of difficult situations? In this individualised and confidential one-hour session you will determine the objectives and work on exercises to address your specific needs. 
  • School governors' network – Following the launch of the Imperial School Governors’ Network in December 2016, the College has a growing and active group of students, staff members and alumni from all areas of the College, who commit time and competence to support schools.
  • Co-Creating Innovative Solutions for Healthcare (CRISH) - CRISH is a free EIT Health short course, which aims to teach multidisciplinary healthcare team members (such as clinicians, nurses, AHP, managers, researchers and patients) to co-create solutions for healthcare, whether for service provision, research, device or other innovation development. Ideally, up to 3 different types of stakeholders from the same team or subject area (preferably including a patient or member of the public) would attend the course together and work on their real-life project. If you're not part of a team, then individuals can also apply to attend and may be grouped with others depending on their area of interest; however preference will be given to those who apply as a group. 
  • Public involvement training - The NIHR Imperial Patient Experience Research Centre (PERC) has developed a free online course entitled “Public Involvement in Research” which is suitable for both researchers and most patients/members of the public who may be involved in research or wish to be. For more details on this course and other public involvement training resources please click on the link above.
  • Advancing Human Health through Engagement - This short course moves beyond the traditional notions of "public engagement" to explore methods for discussing issues around policy, healthcare, research, trust and ethical practice, involving clinicians, scientists, patients, wider publics and society at large.   The short course is for experienced clinicians and will be led by Dr. Laura Coates and Professor Roger Kneebone.  

Strategic Training in External Partnerships (STEP) Programme - The STEP programme has been established with the aim of diversifying research income in the Faculty of Natural Sciences. Its goal is to support the Imperial research community in building new collaborations, diversify their research portfolio and deliver excellence with impact. The programme has been specifically designed for the cohort of new starters from the Faculty of Natural Sciences.