*** The website is currently going through an upgrade, during which this page won’t be updated with new podcasts. But never fear! Podcasts are still happening in 2022. You can catch each new episode by clicking on any of the links in the banner below, on your favourite podcast service by searching ‘Imperial College Podcast’, or on our Soundcloud account. ***

The podcast is presented by Gareth Mitchell, a lecturer on Imperial's MSc Science Communication course and the presenter of Digital Planet on the BBC World Service, with contributions from our roving reporters in the Communications Division.

If you have feedback that you'd like to share or ideas for future editions, we'd love to hear from you.
Please contact Hayley Dunning; +44 (0)20 7594 2412.

You can also find the podcasts most major platforms, including YouTube, Apple PodcastsStitcher and Spotify.

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Podcasts 2010

December 21 festive special edition

In the December 21 festive special edition: Schoolchildren send Santa the spud to space, scientists follow a falling star and rock star guitarist Brian May delivers an alternative Queen’s Christmas message.

Download the complete Podcast - 21 December 2010 (29mb)
To download right click and choose 'save target as' and save to your computer.

Or download individual chapters

  • Gareth Mitchell and J-P Jones discuss the recent news from around Imperial:
  1. The Rector talks to the Moon Regan expedition team as they arrive at the snowy South Pole (3.7mb)
  2. Phil Bland explains how cameras in the Australian outback are catching falling stars (with a little help from local farmers) (5.6mb)

September edition

In the September edition: The students bringing power to the people in Rwanda and why your podcast needs you.

Listen to Podcast - September 2010 (26mb)
To download right click and choose 'save target as' and save to your computer.

August edition

In the August edition: Popular Prof reflects on his long career at Imperial and the safety of oil wells, and how a fingerprint can tell you where someone's been.

Listen to Podcast - August 2010 (28mb)
To download right click and choose 'save target as' and save to your computer.

July edition

In the July edition: A quantum of eminent physicist Sir Peter Knight and the event bringing dragons to South Kensington.

Listen to Podcast - July 2010 (28mb)
To download right click and choose 'save target as' and save to your computer.

June edition

In the June edition: Racing towards an all-electric future in a record-breaking supercar and talking hot stars with a future hot research star on the College’s Junior Research Fellowship scheme.

Listen to Podcast - June 2010 (28mb)
To download right click and choose 'save target as' and save to your computer.

May edition

In the May edition: Bringing music to your ears courtesy of the College's musical community and how the prospects for nuclear fusion are hotting up

Listen to Podcast - May 2010 (28mb)
To download right click and choose 'save target as' and save to your computer.

April edition

In the April edition: One of the 100 women who changed the world and the fant astic aviators that you want to swot

Listen to Podcast - April 2010 (29mb)
To download right click and choose 'save target as' and save to your computer.

March edition

In the March edition: The morbidly obese people who are missing skinny genes, the scientists turning their ideas into new innovations and the students solving the world’s problems in a model United Nations

Listen to Podcast - March 2010 (26mb)
To download right click and choose 'save target as' and save to your computer.

February edition

In the February edition: The poorly known disease that kills more women in the UK than breast cancer, the photography exhibition that shows 100 visions of 100 Imperial women and the future of solar power

Listen to Podcast - February 2010 (28mb)
To download right click and choose 'save target as' and save to your computer.

January edition

In the January edition: getting to know Imperial’s new Acting Rector, subverting mosquito sperm storage and why Daniel Defoe was the first science journalist

Listen to Podcast - January 2010 (32mb)
To download right click and choose 'save target as' and save to your computer.