Seamless Territories
2 - 29 January, 2017
Artists in this exhibition: Goia Mujalli, Sif Nørskov, Vanessa da Silva
Through the idea of a territory which contains an outside and inside that fosters a device for inclusion and exclusion, Seamless Territories reflects, and intends to comment upon, the visual relationship between the three practices that have a reliance on mark making, painting and movement as a means of expression that comes to speak of the plurality and multivalence of each artist’s practice.
Nothing made in relation to this exhibition should be considered as making claims to be ‘real’. Our only aim is to create the opportunity for experiences to manifest. At some point you will find a truth, yet it will be so clouded in mystery that its essence has been eradicated, stripped bare, or inverted.
Our aspiration is to create an exchange, a discussion between ideas of history, memory, surface and landscape. Everything is ephemeral. Take it away, dwell on it, consider it, catch it. Joy can be found in the appreciation of catching something and the possibility of holding on to it.
We hope you will join us in the works’ “activation”, perhaps in the hope you may assist us in continuing its progress, perhaps in the hope of finding a place for things to come into being as questions, as ongoing prospects, as formless characters seeking identities, as half-formed things, as Seamless Territories.