Past Blyth Art Fellows


Annette Kong

Mechanical Engineering undergradraduate

"The Blyth Art Fellowship has allowed me to develop my fine art ideation process and explore mediums and larger scales in the Blyth Art Studio space, which would have been more difficult to try otherwise. The guidance from professional artists gave many insights into the different techniques I can use to complement my current style of working. It is enjoyable to have time carved out for making and discussing art, which provides an opportunity for diffuse learning of my course content, reinforcing more intensive periods of study. For these reasons, I would recommend applying to anyone who values both artistic and STEM disciplines. "

painting by Annette Kong

Alex Conway

Faculty of Medicine ungergraduate

“The Blyth Art Fellowship has been an excellent opportunity to continue developing my artistic endeavours in a structured and well-supported environment alongside my STEM degree. With a generous bursary, art gallery membership, and professional artist tutorials and guidance, it has allowed me to flourish in my art practice, as well as be immersed in the artistic community of Imperial, London and beyond. Culminating with an exhibition of your original work at Imperial’s very own Blyth Gallery, it is a great taste of what being a professional artist entails and a fantastic springboard for any young creative at Imperial!”

Imagined Aethometer, Chalk on paper




Rosalind Crosbie

Faculty of Medicine Undergraduate Student

"The Blyth art fellowship has been a wonderful experience allowing me to continue to engage in and develop my art practice alongside my science-based degree. It has provided me with the opportunity to present and discuss my work with both professional artists and people within the arts community and has allowed me to put aside the time in my week to be creative. Having the opportunity to share ideas and inspiration with other artists, as well as try new techniques and mediums under their guidance, has been so beneficial to the progression of my work and I would recommend anyone wishing to expand on or develop their practice to consider it. "painting by Rosalind Crosbie I felt so alive



Andrea Perez- Navarro 

Faculty of Medicine Undergraduate Student

"The Blyth Fellowship was without a doubt a unique opportunity to enrich and expand my art. Not only was I able to present my work at an art exhibit and to professional artists, but I was also able to, through their feedback and recommendations, find new inspiration with which to keep improving my work. Studying in such a science-focused university such as Imperial should not be a barrier to developing your artistic interests and the Blythe Fellowship is a great way of achieving just that."

Andrea Perez- Navarro Patchwork. Hook and eyes


2020 - 2021

Cleo Zhang

Life Sciences Undergradratuate Student 

"The Blyth Art Fellowship has definitely been a highlight of my final year at Imperial. It offered me the freedom to explore different art materials and the opportunity to talk with established artists which helped me build my own artistic mindset. I strongly recommend this fellowship to anyone who's passionate about art."

Cleo Zhang. Blyth Art Fellow 2020 - 2021

An online exhibition of Cleo Zhang's artworks












Louie Hext

Physics Undergraduate Student

"I have really enjoyed my experience with the Blyth Fellowship and would encourage others to apply. It has helped me be a lot produce work with a more intent and direction and allowed me to focus more on the expression and meaning behind the image rather than the purely technical aspects. There are a lot of other benefits, such as funding, tutorials, Tate memberships and mentoring sessions with practising artists. These artists are matched with you according to your art practice and I have found the sessions quite inspirational and a good catalyst for creativity."




2019 - 2020

Liva Donina

Chemical Engineering Phd Student

"Blyth art fellowship has offered me a reason to think about art more often than I would've before. It has also helped me to see how science and art can interact/inspire each other.  Not to mention the financial support of  and free drawing classes, which allowed me to explore different/new media. It's been very helpful to receive feedback on my artwork from practising artists. In addition, it's been very useful to hear artists talk about their own work and signpost to other artists' work that would be of interest to me."

Liva Donina

An online exhibition of Liva Donina's artworks