Mentors discussing STEM with a lecturer

Who will be available to support me?

Global Summer School is supported by current Imperial students who work as either Academic or Pastoral Mentors. These students have first-hand experience of living in London and studying at Imperial.

The Global Summer School programme manager directly manages the mentors and works collaboratively with the programme academics.


Academic Mentors

Academic Mentors are undertaking a degree related to one of the Global Summer School academic subjects. They will support you during class time to guide you through the academic content. Academic Mentors will also be able to give you an insight into what it’s like to study at Imperial and discuss potential career paths with you. 

Evening Pastoral Mentors

Pastoral Mentors supervise students during all evening and weekend social programme activities. This includes during mealtimes, organised activities on campus and day trips. 

Night Pastoral Mentors

Night Pastoral Mentors stay in the same accommodation building as students and are responsible for providing on-call support for students overnight.  

Senior Residential Assistants

Senior Residential Assistants stay in the same halls of residence and will be the first point of contact for any issues or concerns in the evening.