Global Summer School application

Important information

Applications are now closed for our 2023 programme. We have been overwhelmed by the response to Global Summer School this year and want to thank everyone who expressed an interest or applied.

Register your interest for 2024

Step one: Complete an online application form

Complete an online application form via Aspire and submit information including academic grades and English language ability. We will contact your parent/guardian and teacher to ask them for references. 

You will need to create an account to access the online application portal, Aspire. Once your account is verified, you will be directed to the homepage where you can start an application by selecting ‘New Application’.

Saving your application

You can save your application at any time. You will receive an automated reminder every three days until you complete or withdraw your application. Once submitted, you can check the status of your application by logging in to the application portal. This will also show you whether your parent/guardian and teacher have submitted the required forms.

Step one

Please view our entry requirements to ensure you are eligible to attend Global Summer School before submitting your application. 

The following qualification details are required: 

  • Details of all formal qualifications  achieved at GCSE level or international equivalent. Please note we require at least 8 subjects in Key Stage 4. Please list any additional subjects not related to Science or Maths in the ‘other subjects’ box at the bottom of the page. 
  • If you have not yet sat your formal exams, please provide your predicted grades.  
  • If you have not yet received a formal set of predicted grades, please provide your most recent set of end of term/semester grades. 
  • Details of all subjects and qualifications you are currently studying at A-Level or international equivalent. Please provide predicted grades if they are available; if predicted grades are not available, please type NPG (no predicted grade) When prompted please enter 2023/24 as the year you will start Year 11, to allow you to add these details. 

View further guidance on international qualifications and the UK equivalents. 

Please ensure you enter subjects and qualifications one at a time. If your qualification type or subject is not listed, please select ‘Other’ and you will have the option to enter this manually. 

When asked to give details of your English language qualification please read the three options below and follow the steps for the option that applies to you: 

  • If English is your native language you do not need to enter an English language qualification. Please select ‘No’ and state ‘English is my native language’ in your personal statement. Your teacher will need to confirm this in their reference for you. 
  • If your lessons are taught in English at school, you do not need to enter an English language qualification. Please select ‘No’ and state ‘My lessons are taught in English’ in your personal statement. Your teacher will need to confirm this in their reference for you. 
  • If neither of the above applies, you need to enter an achieved English language qualification. Please select ‘Yes’ and give details of the qualification. Your teacher will need to confirm this in their reference for you. 

Your personal statement should demonstrate: 

  • your motivation for applying to Global Summer School 
  • why you are a suitable candidate for a place on the programme 

You will already have listed your grades elsewhere on the application form, so the personal statement is your opportunity to discuss other relevant achievements and the skills you’ve gained from educational and/or extra-curricular experiences. 

The word limit for the personal statement is 150 words. Any additional words included will not be assessed as part of the application. 

Please also state whether English is your native language and whether all/the majority of your lessons are taught in English. If neither applies, you will need to give details of your English language qualification in the section provided (see above). 

Once you have submitted your application, we will contact your teacher and parent/guardian who will need to check your application and submit a reference. Your application will then be assessed by the Global Summer School team who will contact you to tell you the outcome. 
Parent or guardian reference 
Parents or guardians are required to: 

  • indicate support of the student's application; 
  • provide details of any additional circumstantial information or special requirements that the student may have (e.g. accessibility or severe dietary requirements). 

Please note: We will use the information provided for clarification purposes only and it will not form part of the assessment process. In most cases, we are expecting no more than 30 words for a parent/guardian reference. 
Teacher reference 
Teachers are required to: 

  • verify the application information provided by the student and to amend if needed; 
  • provide information about the student's current and predicted grades; 
  • provide details about the student's English language ability. Please indicate whether English is the student's native language, whether all/the majority of lessons at school are taught in English, or details of any English language qualification held by the student. 

Teachers may also like to include information about how they feel the student would benefit from the Summer School, how the student stands out at school, and details of any other relevant achievements, extra-curricular activities or interests. 
To access references 
To access the reference form, teachers will be emailed a unique link which will direct them to Aspire. If it's a first-time login for the teacher, they will be directed to create an account. If the teacher has logged in before, they will get a login screen (once they click on the unique link). Once logged in, teachers can see all outstanding references assigned to them. Teachers can also view basic details of past applicants and outcomes.  To complete a reference, teachers must enter the applicants' date of birth.  
Teachers may also like to include information about how they feel the student would benefit from the Summer School, how the student stands out at school, and details of any other relevant achievements, extra-curricular activities, or interests. 
Please note, there is a twenty-minute timeout on the form from the moment you click the link (even if you have been active on the page). It should take you no longer than fifteen minutes to complete. However, you may wish to write your supporting statement in an alternative application (e.g., Microsoft Word) and copy and paste it into the required field. 
Please ensure all information is completed and correct before you submit your application. We will be unable to complete the reference process if there are any errors in the email addresses you have provided for your referees. 

Step two: Your application will be reviewed by the Global Summer School Team.

If your application is successful, you will receive a conditional offer. 

Step three: You will upload your supporting documents within seven days

To proceed, you will be required to upload your supporting documents to the application portal within seven days. You will receive instructions on how to do this. 

Upload supporting documents

Please scan and upload the front cover and personal details page as a single document. You must ensure that all text is legible. 

We use this information to verify your age and nationality against the information on your application. The passport should be in date but for our verification process, it does not matter if the passport is due to expire before the start of Global Summer School. 

You are required to submit official documents to verify the grades and subjects you have listed on your application. Please ensure you read the following information carefully and submit the correct documents: 

  • Actual grades: If you listed actual grades achieved (e.g. GCSEs) on your application, you should upload exam certificates for all the subjects you submitted. 
  • Class grades: If you indicated class grades on your application, please upload your class transcripts for the previous two years, for all the subjects you submitted. 
  • Predicted grades: If you have listed predicted grades on your application form, these must be verified or updated by your teacher as part of their reference. If you were asked to submit further information on your academic achievements or you volunteered further information after you submitted your application, you must upload and official document from your school with all predicted grades listed so these can be verified. 

Please note: The application system only supports a maximum of five academic documents. Therefore, please ensure you combine documents into one file if you are submitting more than five. 

If you indicated that you need to submit an English language qualification, you should upload a scan of the official certificate which should include your name, candidate reference, exam board and grade achieved. 

The certificate must match that stated on your application form. Screen shots of online portals or mobile phones showing a list of grades will not be accepted. 

Step four: Document checking

Global Summer School team will check your uploaded documents within three working days. 

Step five: Payment and confirmation

If you meet all necessary criteria, you will be awarded an unconditional offer. To confirm your place, you are required to make the full fee payment of £5,825 within 7 days. 

The unconditional offer letter and payment request will come directly from Docusign, requesting students and parents to both complete a form to accept the formal offer and provide some further details. Once the forms have been completed and payment made, the Global Summer School Team will send an official confirmation of your place on the programme.