Expectations of groups
What we expect of groups (the small print)
These are Imperial’s expectations of official groups:
- Organise their group structure, activities and communications with the Alumni Relations Office at the agreed and appropriate level as set out in the ‘geographic group tiers’ guidelines.
- Operate in a manner which is inclusive. Groups should welcome alumni and their guests without discrimination or prejudice. This includes inviting the broader alumni community in the relevant geographic area (via the Alumni Office) to events the group organises.
- If in tier one or two, have at least one recent graduate on the organising committee.
- Be financially self-sustaining over a long-term basis – groups in tier one and two should consider charging for events and reserving a small amount of money to cover exceptional circumstances.
- Act in the best interest of the College at all times. Groups should not use the College’s name or logo for anything other than the interests of the College and/or development of the alumni community in their geographic region. In particular, groups should not operate commercially.
- Consider local insurance requirements when organising events.
- Put in place structures to ensure that leadership succession (after a maximum three-year term) is feasible and positive.
- Ensure the group’s contact details available on the alumni website are up to date, and that any social media platforms listed are regularly checked.
- Supply registration and attendance data following all events.
- Update the College on at least a yearly basis of the group’s leadership and membership (if applicable).
- Use the College’s logo and name only for the purpose of carrying out the group’s activities (which should fall within the guidelines set out in the tiered structures), and in accordance with Imperial’s brand guidelines. The Alumni Relations Team will provide groups with personalised logos and groups are not allowed to use custom-made group logos. The College may withdraw its consent to use its logo at any time.
- Abide by data protection guidelines and the College’s Privacy Policy. Some information for group leaders is available in our guidance on keeping in touch (below).
- The geographic area a group covers will be established with the Alumni Relations Office when the group is established, but the College reserves the right to make changes to the geographic region.
Imperial: here to help!
Here is how the College will help all official groups:
- Listing the group and their leadership on the alumni section of the College’s website.
- Helping with publicity for events. All information should be submitted six weeks before the event by emailing the alumni office or using the online alumni group event publicity form.
- Including group leaders in relevant communications.
- Providing a personalised [city]@alumni.imperial.uk email address.
- Providing region-specific data to group leaders to help with activity planning. This will contain an appropriate demographic breakdown of alumni residing in the area.
- Offering general advice at all stages of activities, for example by providing guidance on organising events and meetings, the safe use of data, using social media and other forms of communication, and providing advice about the ongoing organisation of the group.
- Offering groups opportunities (but particularly those in tier one) to develop activities around the travel of College academics and staff.
- Sending merchandise, where agreed and appropriate.